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Mortgage to buy a second home

Does anything change if the mortgage is for a second home?

Yes, it changes, but not much. The difference you will find in the terms and conditions for buying a second home is in the percentage of financing usually offered for such mortgages, so if you are considering one, don't let it stay just a dream.

  • If you're thinking about buying a house for the weekends.
  • If you're thinking about buying a house for your holidays.
  • If you're thinking about buying a house to let.
  • If you're thinking about buying a house as an investment.
Hipoteca para comprar segunda vivienda

Are you going to apply for a mortgage to buy a second home? We'll help you.

Have your figures drawn up personally and by a person. A personalised offer in just a minute with no obligations. Shall we begin?
oferta personalizada de hipoteca
pedir una hipoteca para segunda vivienda

One question you have probably asked yourself is: can I apply for a mortgage if I already have one?

Yes, there's no reason why you can't apply for one. The only thing you have to consider when applying for a mortgage for a second home is your ability to borrow, or, rather, your ability to save. This is just the difference between your income and your expenses.

Are you still paying off a mortgage on your first home? You have three solutions and no problems.

pedir préstamo hipoteca para segunda vivienda

You can have two separate mortgages

Contenido You can have two separate mortgages
It is as simple as applying for another loan and repaying both separately. It's as if they have nothing to do with each other at all.
Préstamo con garantía hipotecaria

You can extend your current mortgage

Contenido You can extend your current mortgage
Your existing mortgage is increased to the new amount, with your home as collateral. You will still pay one instalment and will save on arrangement expenses.
Rehipotecar vivienda

You can remortgage your primary residence

Contenido You can remortgage your primary residence
In other words, cancel it to take it out again with the two properties included. You will have to calculate the cancellation and opening costs for the new loan to find out whether this is the best option for you.
Comparador de hipotecas


Fixed. No, variable. No, fixed, fixed. We display both of them in front of you for you to compare and decide.

At a glance, we get a better idea of why we choose what we choose. With a mortgage, what you want to see quickly is the interest rate, the amount to be financed, the maximum term and the conditions. Here it all is: a comparison tool and both your mortgages, side by side.

You will have lots of questions and, luckily, most already have an answer