Legal information
All the products and services offered on this website are provided by BANKINTER, S.A. in line with the prevailing legislation on banking services and under the supervision of the Bank of Spain and the Spanish National Securities Market Commission.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
The relationships between BANKINTER, S.A. and its customers arising from the provision of the products and services described in this website are governed by Spanish law and jurisdiction.
Registration as BANKINTER customers
The User is hereby informed and accepts that sending an application to register as a BANKINTER Customer or asking to take out any of the products or services which feature on this website does not in any way imply that the Customer is starting a commercial relationship with BANKINTER, S.A. [for as long and to the extent that not all the requirements established by BANKINTER, S.A. in prevailing laws are met]. The User is hereby informed that this offering of products and services which feature on this website is designed solely and exclusively for residents in Spain or people who apply for products and services from Spain. It should not be construed that because of the language used on this website, the products and services are also being offered for people living in countries other than those indicated above. This requirement is an essential prerequisite for entering into business relations with BANKINTER, S.A. The User will have sole responsibility if he/she applies for any of the products or services included in this website by the User if he/she does not meet the Residence requirement or the condition that the application must be made from Spain, and BANKINTER, S.A. will not be held liable in this respect. BANKINTER, S.A. is entitled to turn down Customer registrations if it confirms that the User does not meet the requirements stated above.
Data protection
BANKINTER guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data you provide, as well as their automated processing pursuant to personal data protection legislation and the Data Protection Clause.
Secure environment
When you access transactional pages to purchase BANKINTER, S.A. products or services, you are always in a secure environment. You can check this by looking for the padlock on the lower status bar. To check that you are on a genuine BANKINTER site, look for the words 'bankinter' or 'ebankinter' on the upper status bar. To apply for or purchase the BANKINTER, S.A. products and services offered on this website, you will be asked to enter a series of authentication codes provided by the bank to confirm your identity as well as the safety and confidentiality of your operations.
Intellectual and industrial property
The intellectual property rights of the content on this website, including the graphic design and codes, are owned by BANKINTER. You may not reproduce, distribute, publicly disclose or adapt this material, except for personal and private use. All trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind in this website are protected by law.
Web content and links
BANKINTER is not responsible for the improper use made of the contents of its web pages, which is the exclusive responsibility of the person who accesses or uses them. BANKINTER will not be held liable for the information which appears in third party websites that can be accessed through links or search engines of BANKINTER's websites. The links which appear on BANKINTER's website are merely for information purposes, and should never be construed to be suggestions, invitations or recommendations.
Sharing and disseminating information
BANKINTER, S.A. declines all responsibility for the information which users may share on these web pages. The responsibility for any comments and opinions expressed on these pages remains with those who post them.
Information on technical aspects
BANKINTER, S.A. will not be liable for any damages or losses that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operation of this electronic system that are beyond the Bank's control; for delays or blockages in the use of this electronic system caused by faults or overloads on telephone lines or overloads at the Bank's data processing centre, in the internet system and in other electronic systems; or for any damage that may be caused by third parties through unlawful interference beyond the Bank's control. Neither will the Bank be liable for any damages or losses suffered by users as a result of errors, defects or omissions in the information provided by the Bank but supplied by non-Bank sources.
Information on capital gains and losses
The information on capital gains and losses contained in this website,, is provisional and may therefore change. Under no circumstances should it be understood as fiscal information. Bankinter is not liable for the use that is made of this information, or for any damages that investors may incur as a result of carrying out transactions based on the provisional information on capital gains and losses contained in this website.