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Potentially lower
return. Lower risk
Potentially higher
return. Greater risk
On a scale of 1 to 7, the risk level of Bankinter Pension Plans varies between 1 and 5. Category “1” does not mean that the investment is risk-free.
The risk level of every Bankinter pension plan is described in detail on our website, which contains a specific section for each plan. You can check the risk level of your pension plan in the related prospectus, in compliance with order ECC/2316/2015.
 You may only cash in or surrender your plan if you are faced with any of the liquidity contingencies or exceptional circumstances stipulated in the regulations on pension plans and funds.
The value of the rights of transfer, pension benefits and exceptional liquidity circumstances depends on the market value of the pension fund assets and may result in significant losses.
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Potentially lower
return. Lower risk
Potentially higher
return. Greater risk
On a scale of 1 to 7, the risk level of Bankinter Pension Plans varies between 1 and 5. Category “1” does not mean that the investment is risk-free.
The risk level of every Bankinter pension plan is described in detail on our website, which contains a specific section for each plan. You can check the risk level of your pension plan in the related prospectus, in compliance with order ECC/2316/2015.
 You may only cash in or surrender your plan if you are faced with any of the liquidity contingencies or exceptional circumstances stipulated in the regulations on pension plans and funds.
The value of the rights of transfer, pension benefits and exceptional liquidity circumstances depends on the market value of the pension fund assets and may result in significant losses.


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I want to plan my retirement

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Pension plans

Planning your future: an investment for you.

Having a pension plan and making contributions to it allows you to benefit from tax savings during the years you work and to supplement your state pension with an additional sum of money when you retire.

If you want, we can help you find the pension plan that best suits your investment profile.

I want to do the maths

What pension will I have? How much should I contribute? When can I redeem it? All the answers here.

State pension calculator

Content State pension calculator
By entering just a few details, you can find out how much your state pension will be.

Retirement savings calculator

Content Retirement savings calculator
Don't leave it for another day. It only takes a few minutes to plan your retirement, your future.

Pension plan and EPSV redemption simulator

Content Pension plan and EPSV redemption simulator
Try our user-friendly calculator to discover the conditions and options for redeeming your plan.

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Analysis, market and profitability reports

Content Analysis, market and profitability reports
The quarterly reports from our team of analysts offer you detailed information about our model portfolios in a simple, rigorous and transparent way.

How do pension plans and EPSVs work?

Content How do pension plans and EPSVs work?
Get answers to all your questions: taxation, redemptions, contributions, etc.

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