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Only for euro accounts
1 /6
This number indicates the product risk, where 1/6 represents the least risk and 6/6 the greatest risk.
Bankinter, S.A. is a member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Credit Institutions of Spain. The maximum amount currently guaranteed by this Fund is 100,000 euros per depositor per institution.
Only for the currency account
6 /6
This number indicates the product risk, where 1/6 represents the least risk and 6/6 the greatest risk.
Bankinter, S.A. is a member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Credit Institutions of Spain. The maximum amount currently guaranteed by this Fund is 100,000 euros per depositor per institution.
Remember, non-euro accounts are subject to exchange rate fluctuations.

Expatriates and foreigners

Wherever you are or wherever you come from, we are here.

And here it is by your side, for whatever you need when you need us. It doesn't matter where you are from or where you have come from, because at Bankinter we not only think of almost everything, we think about everyone too.
 Expatriados y extranjeros
 Españoles expatriados
Spanish expatriates

If you have left, but you plan to return.

Content If you have left, but you plan to return.

If you have temporarily moved to another country, but you are clear that you will return home, you have a bank capable of offering you remote banking with all the tools you need to operate here while you are there.

  • Special account for non-residents.
  • Currency account.
  • Mortgages in euros.
  • Investment services.
 Extranjeros residentes
Foreign residents

If you have come a long way to stay.

Content If you have come a long way to stay.

Newcomer? Opening an account, taking out insurance or any everyday need can be complicated when you first arrive, but that's why we are here: to advise you, to help you, to make it easy for you, so you don't get lost and can find what you need.

  • Special accounts for residents.
  • Currency account.
  • Mortgages.
  • Investment products.
  • Home insurance, health insurance...1
 Extranjeros no residentes
Non-resident foreigners

If you come and go, or the other way around.

Content If you come and go, or the other way around.

If you have chosen our country as your second home, you have a bank capable of helping you with the everyday and the out of the ordinary. A bank that offers you what you need and talks to you in the language you feel most comfortable in.

  • Mortgages for non-residents.
  • Accounts for your bills, taxes...
  • Insurance for your home in Spain.
  • Investment funds2.