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Bank deposits

6 /6
This number indicates the product risk, where 1/6 represents the least risk and 6/6 the greatest risk.
Bankinter, S.A. is a member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Credit Institutions of Spain. The maximum amount currently guaranteed by this Fund is 100,000 euros per depositor per institution.
The redemption, surrender and early withdrawal of part or all of the principal invested are subject to fees or penalties.
George Washington portrait on the one dollar bill closeup macro, series 2009; Shutterstock ID 247622749; Purchase Order: -

Dollar deposit

3,30% AER1
3,30% NIR
  • Term: 12 months
  • From USD 15,000.00
  • Interest paid on maturity

Dollar deposit

3,20% AER2
3,17% NIR
  • Term: 6 months
  • From USD 15,000.00
  • Interest paid on maturity

Thinking of you

Services that make your life easier.

Información y ayuda sobre depósitos


Everything you need to know about taxation, fees and interest rates.

Bankinter listens

We are here to answer your questions and banking queries, provide technical support, etc.

Further information
900 816 833
ATMs and branches