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Supplier credit

What if you could sell more and better?

Obviously, that's what everyone wants. Supplier credit provides your importer with financing and protects your company against the risk of default or early contract termination.

  • Available for goods and services originating in Spain.
Crédito suministrador

If it's good for your company and good for your customer, then it's twice as good.

Ventajas para tu empresa:

Ventajas del crédito suministrador para tu empresa

Protect your exports

You'll be covered if your customers go bankrupt and, if you want, you can also take out insurance for early contract termination.

You can get early liquidity

Improve your company's cashflow by converting instalment payments into up-front payments.

Improve your negotiating capacity

Your company will be more competitive because you'll be able to offer your customer the option of financing the transaction and write it into the business contract.

Protect your business from unforeseen incidents

Thanks to the mandatory credit insurance policy, you'll be covered in the event of any incidents in your exporting business, such as geopolitical risks in the destination country.

Plus, you maintain full control of the transaction

Because your company will be able to set the payment term in the commercial offer

Advantages for your customer:

Easier purchasing

Content Easier purchasing
Because we provide the financing they need to defer payment of the purchases they make from your company.

Better balance sheet

Content Better balance sheet
Since it's commercial financing or deferral, the financial risks are commercial risks, which improves their balance sheet.

Access to financing under favourable conditions

Content Access to financing under favourable conditions
Companies located in countries with high financing costs will have easier access to products and services.

How our supplier credit works

step by step
  • Your company identifies an export opportunity or closes an export deal.

  • Bankinter studies and assesses the operation.

  • Next, we arrange the insurance policy to cover the operation.

  • From that moment, your company will be able to obtain liquidity and will be protected against insolvency or termination of contract.

  • Your importer will pay back the loan in the agreed term and manner.


What is supplier credit?

It is a financial tool that provides financing to your exporting customer, while also providing coverage against possible risks due to non-payment or an early termination of the contract.

What type of export contract can benefit from Bankinter supplier credit?

Either, the only condition is that it corresponds to goods or services of Spanish origin.

What specifically finances supplier credit?

At Bankinter, through this tool, you obtain liquidity in your cash flow, converting the deferred collections reflected in the export contract into cash collections.

What is the maximum payment deferral time that my international customers can finance?

You could offer a deferral of up to five years, although it will depend on the average useful life of the exported product or service.

What is meant by “useful life” of my product?

We refer to the period between the time it is set up and it is substituted and/or replaced.

What is the minimum amount to apply for Bankinter supplier credit?

To process any start-up transaction, the value of the export contract must be greater than one million euros.

What percentage of the export contract can be financed through Bankinter supplier credit?

In principle, the export contract must collect an advance payment of more than 15% of its value. In other words, the percentage that could be financed would correspond to the remaining 85%.

What percentage of the export contract can be financed through Bankinter supplier credit?

In principle, the export contract must collect an advance payment of more than 15% of its value. In other words, the percentage that could be financed would correspond to the remaining 85%.

Is there a requirement to sign up for any additional product to take out a Bankinter supplier loan?

Yes. At the same time as Bankinter studies the transaction, the exporter must apply for credit risk insurance.

Who should apply for the credit risk insurance policy?

The exporting company must apply for the policy.

What is the function of the supplier credit policy?

The policy designates Bankinter as the beneficiary, granting us the necessary guarantee to approve the transaction and that your importing customer can benefit from financing to pay for the transaction included in the contract.

What costs can Bankinter supplier credit entail for the exporter?

There are two: the cost of the insurance premium and the cost of financing at Bankinter, although both are or could be passed on to your importing customer.

Does it make sense to pass on the costs of the supplier credit to my importing customer?

It is really your export company that is providing the possibility for Bankinter, as your company's bank, to defer payment. Therefore, if your company is offering your customer an additional service, which facilitates their payments, it is sensible that you can charge for it.

How much could my company charge for this additional service?

The most logical thing would be to pass on the costs of the insurance premium and the cost of financing and even a small margin for possible eventualities.

Got a question?

The Bankinter Corporate help centre has the answer.