Cash pooling
Together, better.
Optimise account reconciliation, whatever your company is like:
- If your company has various branches or sales points.
- If your company is part of a group.
- Or if your company just has several current and/or credit accounts.
Avoid account overdrafts
The balances of the accounts are linked to each other, avoiding overdrafts in an account when the overall balance is positive.Avoid using credit
Having a consolidated balance means you might not have to draw on your credit facility, reducing your financing costs.Avoid idle balances
Make a return on peaks in your treasury, increasing the remuneration of the funds in your accounts.Two situations, two solutions:
Cash Pooling service between Bankinter accounts.
Balance consolidation
Interest hedge
This enables transfers between accounts based on their balances, transferring credit balances to positions with debit balances. You can transfer between Bankinter accounts with the same holder or between accounts with different holders, or use a “central” account to distribute all movements.
Cash Pooling service for accounts with other entities, whether national or international.
Query movements
SWIFT messaging
- Receive messages with account movements.
- Receive intraday balances.
- Order balance sweeps.
What is the priority for covering debit balances in Netting mode?
In this order: current account overdrafts, overdrawing on credit accounts and drawings on credit accounts.
What is the priority for application of credit balances in Netting mode?
In this order: credit account balances, current account balances and drawings on credit accounts.
What is an MT940 message?
A message in SWIFT format delivered every day with the movements for a company's bank account(s) or BIC. These messages are sent after 21.00, Madrid time.
What is an MT101 message?
A message using the SWIFT standard through which the parent of a customer requests a payment order from the bank.
What is MT942?
This is a SWIFT format message with which our customers can, with prior authorisation, receive account balances at specified times each day. An MT942 message is received for each account.