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Don't be left behind.

Digital transformation is a fact. It is inevitable for businesses if they want to develop and be competitive. Bankinter has teamed up with Logalty to make the Logalnet platform available to SMEs. This platform is capable of providing a service across all areas of the company through a single provider:
  • Legal.
  • Sales.
  • Technical.
  • Financial.
  • Human resources.
  • and other

Bankinter Logalty

Servicio de firma y comunicación digital

Digital contract signatures
€2 (VAT not included)

You will be able to digitally sign agreements with your customers, suppliers and employees in a simple and secure way. With the option of Multisignature (up to four signatories) and Multidocument, included in the price.

Registered fax sent by post
€13,50 (VAT not included)

Claim debts, change clauses in contracts and send all kinds of notifications with a guarantee of the contents and delivery: termination of contract, default, employment termination, etc.

Electronic registered fax
€1.90 (VAT not included)

Notifications, debt claims, ownership changes, cancellation of credit facilities and guarantees, all without having to visit a branch and with the same legal validity as a registered fax sent by post.

Certified electronic communication
€1.50 (VAT not included)

Corporates have many needs when it comes to sending communications with a guarantee of the contents and receipt: lists of outstanding invoices, termination of services, delivery of material or communications to employees around sensitive issues.

Registered email €0.95 and SMS €1
(VAT not included)

Opening files, renewals, event reminders, termination of benefits, policy renewal notifications, sending documents and other less important information.

Why has Bankinter chosen Logalty?

  • Safety.
    Unlike our competitors, all transactions performed through the Logalnet platform have an eIDAS qualified timestamp and a notarial deposit.
  • Full regulatory compliance.
    Apart from being straightforward and intuitive, the platform is technically sound and guarantees the highest standard for all transactions.
  • User-friendly.
    Its doesn't require any additional software, making it an especially streamlined and accessible platform.


What is Logalnet?

The platform that Logalty offers to Bankinter SME customers to help them go digital, including digital signature services for documents and the sending of legally valid and enforceable electronic communications.

What services does it include?

Logalnet electronic services:

  • Digital signature with Express Contract
  • Digital signature with Advanced Contract
  • Electronic registered fax
  • Electronic communication
  • SMS and e-mail certificates

Logalnet postal service

  • Registered fax sent by post

The base price for all services includes: Proof of the information contained in the documents, record kept for five (5) years (two (2) years for certified SMS/e-mail), eIDAS trusted time stamping, maximum weight for electronic documents of 1 MB, notarial deposit of the hash of the transaction and Logalty Certificate and copy of the signed document sent to all parties. LOGALTY's services include judicial ratification of the issuance of the certificate.

What is e-Procurement?

Certified e-procurement is the digital signing of documents to provide proof of receipt or to sign an electronic contract with full legal assurance.

It is a super rapid and easy way of sending any document or contract to be signed electronically. e-Procurement relies on electronic signatures and creates an environment of greater trust and legal certainty when it comes to signing contracts online.

What eProcurement options are available on Logalnet?

  • Express contract: Digital signature through a PIN/OTP sent by SMS to your mobile phone on one or more documents and between two or more signatories, with no established order of signatories or documents.
  • Advanced Contract: Digital signature through a PIN/OTP sent by SMS to your mobile phone on one or more documents and between two or more signatories, with an established order of signatories and/or documents.

What is an electronic registered fax?

Certified electronic notification with the same legal protection as a registered fax sent by post. All you need is the recipient's e-mail address, mobile phone number and ID number (DNI, NIF, NIE or passport) to send an instant electronic registered fax, with read confirmation arriving by SMS or e-mail.

What is Electronic Communication?

It provides proof of when the documents were served and of the information they contain. The communication is recorded in Logalty and all you need is the e-mail address or mobile phone number of the recipient user. No proof of identity is provided on collection, as would be the case with the Electronic Registered Fax.

What is the certified SMS and e-mail service?

Both services guarantee proof of sending, proof of document content and proof of delivery to the mail server or mobile device, but not the effective collection or opening of the document as would be the case with the Electronic Registered Fax or Electronic Communication services:

  • Certified SMS to send information to a mobile number in the form of a text message.
  • Certified service to send information to the user's e-mail.

What is Logalty-SEUR's postal registered fax service?

Certified notification of documents sent electronically in PDF format, with SEUR then delivering a hard copy to the recipient by post.

Legally valid and enforceable, it provides proof of delivery and also of the information contained in the notification and the time it was sent.

Deliveries within Spain up to 48 hours if sent before 14.00. International deliveries available for Europe only.

Within a maximum of 10 days, with status tracking available.

What does the base rate for the postal registered fax include?

It includes the entire process of a registered fax from start to finish:

  • National delivery of a three-page document to anywhere on the Iberian peninsula
  • Certificate accrediting the information contained in the document
  • Proof of delivery with acknowledgement of receipt
  • Certificate confirming that the document was delivered by post
  • Trusted time stamps for tracking
  • Record kept for five years.

Are the Logalty-SEUR and the post office registered faxes the same?

The Postal Registered Notification Service (Logalty registered fax) by Logalty-SEUR is, for all legal intents and purposes, the same as a registered fax sent via the post office, with both being equally valid in the eyes of the law.

How do I pay for the deliveries?

Make payment in Logalnet using any credit or debit card.

What is Logalty?

Logalty is a trust services company that guarantees the legal security of online transactions, generating evidence of the operations that take place on its platform between companies or individuals. It certifies and keeps neutral and independent custody of all processes generated during the electronic transactions. And to guarantee the integrity of the process without any subsequent manipulation, the content of the documents is witnessed before notary.

When Logalty acts as intermediary between the parties to a process that requires legal guarantees, it provides objective proof that the operation was carried out, at what time it was carried out and with what result, which can then be used as evidence in trial.

For more information or to speak with us, please visit

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