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1 /6
This number indicates the product risk, where 1/6 represents the least risk and 6/6 the greatest risk.
Bankinter, S.A. is a member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Credit Institutions of Spain. The maximum amount currently guaranteed by this fund is €100,000 per depositor per institution.

Your business always up-to-date

Your business always ahead.
Bróker Divisa

Currency Broker

The only broker that never sleeps.
Préstamo pago de impuestos

Tax payment loan

Fulfil your commitments, but with peace of mind.

Reverse Factoring

You trust us, and they'll trust you.

More services, more Bankinter

All the services, all at the same bank.
financiación de importaciones Bankinter empresas

Trade Finance for Importers

A break for your company.

Trade Finance for Exporters

If you want to go far, remember that we are right here.

Find out more about export financing
Financiación de exportaciones bankinter empresas
Asesoramiento corporativo

Corporate advisory services

Creative solutions for complex situations.

We offer you the most appropriate solutions for your needs and objectives, providing services before, during and after corporate transactions.

We are Bankinter

We look, feel and are different.
Thank you

2024 Institutional Video.

Thank you and welcome. We have some great things to do.

Got a question?

The Bankinter Corporate help centre has the answer.