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Your company has the value. We help you get the most out of it.

With the reverse factoring solution offered by Bankinter Supply Chain Finance, you can get maximum value out of your supply chain and strengthen your company's reputation abroad. The formula is designed to let you delegate the management of your foreign currency payments to international suppliers.

  • Your company will be able to finance payments to suppliers.
  • Your suppliers will be able to collect and guarantee their payments in advance.
  • All with one simple and easy-to-use interface, which features detailed information and fits easily with your company's management systems.
Supply Chain Finance

Advantages for your company:

Delegate management of your foreign currency payments to Bankinter

Content Delegate management of your foreign currency payments to Bankinter
Eliminate your administrative workload by delegating management of your current and future payments to us.

Get the liquidity you need by optimising your supply chain

Content Get the liquidity you need by optimising your supply chain
You can choose to finance the payment on maturity. This gives you the liquidity you need to boost your production and distribution.

Enhance your company's negotiating capacity

Content Enhance your company's negotiating capacity
The benefits of Supply Chain Reverse Factoring Solutions will have a direct impact on trust in your company and your ability to negotiate better terms and conditions.

Don't miss out on prompt payment

Content Don't miss out on prompt payment
Do the maths. If your suppliers offer prompt payment discounts, you can pay immediately with tailor-made financing that enables you to improve your margins.

Management connected to all our currency trading services

Content Management connected to all our currency trading services
With our Currency Broker accounts, you can buy and sell currencies in real time, 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. You can lock in the exchange rate for future payments with Forward Foreign Currency Purchases.

Benefits for your suppliers:

The first advantage?

Content The first advantage?
The onboarding system for the platform is fast and very simple, regardless of whether your suppliers are Bankinter customers or not.

They can get customer support in their language

Content They can get customer support in their language
In their language and their working hours. Our specialised call centre is open five days a week, covering the main time zones in Europe, Asia and America.

They can advance collection of your company's invoices.

Content They can advance collection of your company's invoices.
When the invoice is registered in the system, your supplier receives an email with the option to collect the payment in advance. Our call centre team will guide them through the process of requesting the advance payment.

Better cash flow planning

Content Better cash flow planning
By advancing payment of invoices, collection is guaranteed, as this is on a "non-recourse" basis.

They get a credit facility without using up their risk limits

Content They get a credit facility without using up their risk limits
Your suppliers obtain financing without using their risk facilities and without the invoice appearing on their balance sheet as a receivable.

This is how the Supply Chain Reverse Factoring Solutions works:

Before the due date, you canapply for financing ora guarantee for your payment Order the payment in the agreed currency Multilingualcall centre for suppliers16/5 You canadvance payment, without recourse Company Suppliers
  • Your company gives us a payment order for a specific date and, when the time comes, we make the payment by transfer.

  • We inform the beneficiary that the payment has been ordered and offer them the possibility of collecting it in advance. Our call centre is always there to provide support, offering guidance for the onboarding process if it is the first time.

  • The beneficiary can choose advance collection of the invoice at any time between its issue date and maturity.

  • Your company can apply for financing to spread out the payment before it matures.

  • If your supplier chooses to collect on the invoice in advance, your company can cancel this financing early and obtain remuneration.

Got a question?

The Bankinter Corporate help centre has the answer.