Tailored currency hedging.
That's what we offer: a wide range of currency hedges to minimise the consequences of exchange rate fluctuations in commercial transactions, but customised to meet the specific needs of your company.
- With a more competitive price than traditional hedges.
- Adapted to your company's international transactions.

Two hedging models with different possibilities
Hedges with no fulfilment obligation
With this type of hedging you pay an initial premium and are then free to take advantage of better market rates, because you have the right but no obligation. Here are some examples:
- CALL options.
- PUT options.
Hedges with fulfilment obligation
Combinations of different hedging options with a more competitive market price are subject to a fulfilment obligation.
- Forward plus
- Extendable forward
- EKOs
- AKOs
- Simple accumulator
- Leveraged accumulator
See Customised currency hedging conditions Customised currency hedging conditions
- Customised hedges are available for deliverable currencies only.
- The duration is usually from 3 to 24 months.
- Settlement occurs by differences or by delivery of the insured currency.
- To take out currency hedging, you must have two accounts in the currencies in question.
Useful information
Show/Hide legal textThe pre-contractual information for PRIIP investment products and the key information documents are available on our website
Currency hedging is subject to risk classification and authorisation by Bankinter to ensure that you can withstand the volatility of currencies in the market.
You will need to formalise all the agreements before you take out currency hedging, i.e. all the following documents will need to be in force:
- - LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) questionnaire
- - MiFID
- - MDX access agreement
Hedges with fulfilment obligation contain some uncertainty regarding at least part of the nominal amount that will ultimately be covered at maturity based on the barriers agreed initially.
Hedges with the possibility of deactivating events are only payable at maturity.