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Cash Management

All your international accounts managed from here, from Bankinter.

Our Cash Management service lets you manage and administer all your accounts jointly and automatically: national and international ones, Bankinter accounts and even those you have at other banks.

Cash management

A business solution adapted to different business models

If your company has subsidiaries.

If your company is part of a group.

Or if your company just has several current and/or credit accounts.

Joint management to optimise your company's accounts

Reduces the need for financing

Content Reduces the need for financing
If the overall balance of your accounts is positive, you won't need to draw on your credit facility to cover any overdraft fees, so you'll reduce your financing needs and costs.

Avoid account overdrafts

Content Avoid account overdrafts
If the overall balance of all the accounts is positive, you can avoid an overdraft in one of your accounts, guaranteeing your liquidity and ability to meet your payment obligations.

Optimise your treasury management

Content Optimise your treasury management
You can manage the treasury position for the group of companies more efficiently.

You can decide who manages your positions and how they manage them

Manage your accounts yourself or through Bankinter

You can either manage them yourself or delegate management to us.

Choose the operation: read-only or operational

If you choose the read-only option, you'll be able to view the balances and activity for all your accounts together. If you select the operational option, you'll also be able to ask us to distribute your various funds.

Hedge your balances manually or automatically

Do it yourself or give us instructions for the balance you want to hedge in each of your accounts. Depending on the global balance, we'll do a sweep or perform the necessary transfers.

See Conditions Conditions

The terms and conditions of service are personalised and we negotiate them individually with each customer.


How can I register for the Cash Management service?

Although the Cash Management service is carried out entirely through our website, you have to register for the service at our branches or company centres.

Can you process orders received from other banks or companies?

Yes, we can. We can accept instructions through files or messages.

How will I keep track of activity in my accounts at other banks and in other countries?

Through the daily reception of interbank messages, the interbank format used to send reports of account activity to a bank or the Swift/BIC address of a company every day after 21.00 hours Spanish mainland time.

How can I request funds from other entities?

Through interbank messaging: the parent requests funds from the subsidiaries.

Can I get activity statements in file format?

Yes, of course. We can send you daily activity files for all your accounts.

What communication channels does Bankinter use?

Editram, Swiftnet and FSTP.

Are sweeps only possible in euros?

No, Bankinter can perform sweeps in euros and all the other currencies used.

Got a question?

The Bankinter Corporate help centre has the answer.