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Smart Services

More flexible cards, more personal, more yours.

Smart Services: so your cards adapt to you and not you to them.

More services, more on your card.

Smart services turn your cards into much more than a payment method.

Compra Smart

Hefty bills? Make them smaller. With Compra Smart you can split the cost of one or more purchases, provided they amount to at least €90: no paperwork and all online.

FIND OUT MORE about compra smart
tarjeta combo bankinter

Smart Cash

Need some liquidity in your account? With Smart Cash you can transfer funds from your credit card to your current account.


Instant card service

You don't need to wait until you receive it to use it.

Find out more about instant card service
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You set the limits.

With the limit management service you can change your card settings whenever you want. There are three easy ways to do this and ensure that you always have the limit you need.

Top up your card

Content Top up your card
Used up your card limit? Transfer money from your account to your card and carry on shopping.

Change the limits

Content Change the limits
Because every month is different, you can increase or decrease the limits on your cards to suit your needs.

Transfer limits

Content Transfer limits
Since your cards are more flexible now, you can instantly transfer the limit from one card to another.

No intermediaries, no explanations.

Change your card limit on the spot through our website or mobile app.

Bankinter has the solution

We’re here to answer your banking queries and provide you with technical support.

More information
91 657 88 00
900 813 847
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