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Choose a fund.
Choose your fund.

Two ranges of investment funds2 with different risk levels, so you can invest according to your profile and interests. Bankinter's Profiled Funds allow you to:

  • Invest globally with a single product.
  • Invest actively, looking for investment opportunities at all times.
  • Invest in multi-assets, with access to every possible financial asset: shares, bonds, forex, derivatives and commodities.

The value of investment funds can fall as well as rise, and you may get back less than you invested.


How? In just three easy steps:

Choose your range

Content Choose your range

Two ranges of investment funds so you can choose the one that best suits your interests: Premium Range and Platea Range.

Choose your profile

Content Choose your profile

Up to six risk profiles depending on the different levels of exposure to equities.

Purchase your fund!

Content Purchase your fund!

Purchase your Profiled Fund by clicking on the buttons below. Alternatively, you can phone us or visit one of our branches.

The same strategy, two different ways of investing.

Choose between the Premium Range, with portfolios made up of treasury bills, shares or bonds managed by Bankinter, and the Platea Range, where the portfolios are made up of funds managed by international entities.

A more traditional investment option, where the strategy is applied through the purchase of direct assets. Our managers select the investment ideas of analysts, and these are translated into the purchase of the stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities and derivatives that make up the portfolio.

Fixed income

Content Fixed income

This is the most conservative profile; discards investment in equities and instead invests in fixed income using monetary assets, as well as in governmental and/or corporate debt. 

  • Maximum exposure to equities

  • Minimum investment: 10.000€
  • Global geographical area
  • Sustainable fund3
Maximum exposure to equities

Minimum investment: 10.000
Global geographical area
Sustainable fund3
View Premium fixed income prospectus Purchase Premium fixed income

Long-term fixed income

Maximum exposure to equities

Minimum investment: 10.000

Global geographical area

Fund with sustainable features3


Maximum exposure to equities

Minimum investment: 10.000

Global geographical area

Fund with sustainable features3


Maximum exposure to equities

Minimum investment: 10.000

Global geographical area

Fund with sustainable features3


Maximum exposure to equities

Minimum investment: 10.000

Global geographical area

Fund with sustainable features3


Maximum exposure to equities

Minimum investment: 10.000

Global geographical area

Fund with sustainable features3


Maximum exposure to equities

Minimum investment: 10.000

Global geographical area

Fund with sustainable features3

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