What is the essential objective of an investment fund?
The investment funds are made up of a group of people who decide to invest together to obtain better conditions and higher returns. Without having great financial knowledge, they allow the unit holders to access investment opportunities that would otherwise be more complicated to access, such as stocks or bonds.
Investment funds for beginners
If you've never bought an investment fund or you're not sure how they work... We'll explain everything in detail to make it easy for you.
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The main objective of an investment fund is to meet the expectations of profitability for its unit holders, always in line with the investment policy previously defined in the fund and with the investor profile with which it identifies: Conservative, dynamic or aggressive.
This main objective is achieved by:
- Granting investors access to the securities market, even if they have no knowledge of it.
- Diversifying the risk of investors participating in the fund.
- Offering investors the possibility of acting collectively, thus generating greater advantages and opportunities.
- Providing access to different markets through portfolios made up of different assets.
- Taking the risk profile of each investor as a base, trying to generate the highest return for them.
- Offering investors a clear transparent investment tool.
To meet these objectives, the fund manager controls the markets and companies in which it invests, being obliged by law to report periodically and with complete transparency on the activity and performance of the funds it manages. At Bankinter, we also work to ensure that all this information reaches our customers in a manner that is clear and easy to understand.