Exclusive conditions and benefits for government employees
Bankinter knows that behind a great professional there is always a person.
That’s why we provide you with exclusive products and services for government employees: mortgages for government employees, salary accounts, loans, investment funds, etc.
Are you a government employee and looking for a mortgage? Bankinter has a range of mortgages for government employee so it will cost you less to live in the house of your dreams.
Do you want to take advantage of this offer?
Bankinter products with exclusive conditions for government employees
Personal loan for government employees
Content Personal loan for government employeesInvestment Funds for government employees
Content Investment Funds for government employeesMore services, more advantages
Bankinter Family
Content Bankinter FamilyBankinter 100% digital
Content Bankinter 100% digitalYou can also pay with your mobile with Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and Google Pay.
Useful information
Show/Hide legal text1 5% interest-bearing accounts: Offer valid until -. For new and existing individual customers who live in Spain, who have not held a Salary/Pension/Business/Non-Salary/Youth Salary account at Bankinter in the 12 months before opening this new account and who must have never received remuneration for any of these accounts. For Salary/Pension/Business Accounts, customers must also have at least €800 of the salary/pension/professional income paid into the account per month. To take advantage of this promotion, the customer may not be the holder of more than two of the following accounts: Salary/Youth Salary Account, Pension Account, Business Account and Non-Salary Account.
The maximum interest-bearing balance is €10,000. Year 1: nominal annual interest rate of 4.94% (5% AER). Year 2: nominal annual interest rate of 1.99% (2% AER). Interest paid every six months. Example for a daily balance of €10,000 in a salary account, calculated for an interest payment period of 180 days (gross remuneration): 1st six months €243.62, 2nd six months €243.62, 3rd six months €98.14, 4th six months €98.14.
In order to earn and retain all the benefits of our Salary/Business/Pension Account, you must maintain your declared level of income and pay at least three (3) bills by direct debit per quarter. The card linked to the account must also remain active, meaning that it must be used to make at least three payments each quarter. For the Pension Account, you do not have to activate the linked credit card. For the Non-Salary account, you must pay at least 10 direct debits per quarter and spend at least €3,000 per year with the card(s) linked to the account.
Show/Hide legal text2 If you open a Salary/Pension/Business/Non-Salary/Young Salary account, you can have up to two current accounts with no maintenance fee (NIR 0%, AER 0% calculated for a hypothetical daily balance of €10,000 held for one year). This offer is available until - for both new and existing customers, and is compatible with all of the other benefits for the Accounts.
Show/Hide legal textThe key investor information document, prospectus and all other legal documents related to Bankinter's collective investment institutions are available at any of our branches, on the Bankinter website ( and on the website of the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) (