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Investment funds

We are what we eat: eat better to live better.

Investment funds
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20 Oct 2022
No preservatives, no saturated fat, no added sugar... We read it on the labelling of the products we buy, we hear it in the adverts that emphasise the healthy properties of their foods. It is the industry's response to a trend: nutrition.
  • Consumers are changing their habits: they are more conscious of their diet.
    It increasingly demands healthier and more ecologically sustainable products.
  • There is an industry that has shown that it is prepared to respond to a new demand.
    Companies with advantageous positions in their sector that have demonstrated a natural ability to anticipate the changes in consumer preferences.
  • This is a mature sector, regardless of cycles: foodstuffs.
    Nutrition is part of the food industry and as such is one of the assets to drive social and environmental changes.
  • It is an opportunity to invest in a trend with structural changes worldwide.
    But it is also a way to be part of a transition to a more sustainable world.

Lower growth risk factors

Source: Blackrock
A consumption habit supported by the different world governments, which implies a structural change that ranges from cultivation to new distribution models.
But the support is not only evident in the regulatory forces. There are other driving forces, with the same importance and influence, that favour the growth of this trend:
  • Social forces.
    The radical change in the nutritional habits of a society that seeks a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Economic forces.
    A new range of consumer experiences, such as home delivery, prepared food services, the appearance of spaces for shopping from your car and the reinterpretation of traditional markets, which will mean a change in our shopping habits.
  • New production models.
    The technological revolution has also affected food production through the development of new processes that improve the final quality of the product.
  • And the aforementioned regulatory forces.
    New regulations that favour food production under sustainability criteria.

Figures, by way of example, that corroborate the trend phenomenon of nutrition:

  • Mobile applications for food delivery.
    In 2017, they were worth $4 billion. By 2023, this figure is expected to reach $16.6 billion.
  • Meat substitutes.
    In the last four years, the sale of these products in the European market has been multiplied by four.
  • The transformative power of legislation.
    In the United Kingdom, the imposition of a new tax on sugar has led to a 50% reduction in the consumption of sugary drinks.

Our investment proposal covers all activities that are part of the food sector, from the agricultural value chain to packaging, processing, distribution, technology, food grade chemicals, producers and, of course, without forgetting the source: seeds:

  • Companies with an active commitment to the search for sustainability that, from their activity, participate and are committed to environmentally responsible development.
  • Companies that use new technologies for marketing and distribution: home delivery companies or, for example, companies that provide discounts for customers, but always from a nutritional point of view.

What do the experts think?

  • The UN estimates that a shift to healthy diets around the world would help control the rise in hunger, while also leading to huge savings. A change that would make it possible to almost completely offset the health costs associated with unhealthy eating, which is estimated to reach USD 1.3 trillion per year in 2030.
  • According to Pictet, malnutrition, poor diet and obesity are costing millions of dollars in healthcare costs and lost productivity worldwide.

Our investment proposal

The value of investment funds1 can fall as well as rise, and you may get back less than you invested.

Risk profile
Investment Policy
Minimum contribution
Fact sheet/Subscribe
1000 €
1000 €
10 €