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Investment funds

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Invertir en infraestructuras
Investment funds
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18 Aug 2022
Infrastructures provide us with essential services to be able to go about our day-to-day lives. We flick a switch and we have light; we move using motorways, bridges and railways; we talk on the phone thanks to repeaters; we warm up when it's cold... Essential assets in any society.

Why invest in this trend?

  • These companies supply our daily consumption.
    Companies that own or operate water, gas or electricity supply facilities, but also others equally necessary and in continuous development, such as those dedicated to transport or telecommunications infrastructure.
  • A trend that provides great diversification.
    Not only diversification between the different infrastructure sub-industries, but also the diversification found in the different political and regulatory regimes with different risk exposures.
  • Greater protection against periods of inflation.
    Thanks to long-term regulated contracts, infrastructure companies can modify the price according to the evolution of inflation and pass it on to the end customer.
Reliable and growing revenue
In an uncertain macroeconomic environment, infrastructure and public services represent a solid option for long-term investment.
The reopening of the economies and the return to normality after the pandemic support the new growth cycle of infrastructures, especially those that will play a key role in the process of electrifying installations.
  • Infrastructure improvement plans of the main economies.
    For example, in the US, where the recent infrastructure improvement law will allocate 1.2 trillion USD to improve, among other objectives, power lines.
  • Creation of plans for the use of 5G.
    Which must entail an investment in the construction of communication towers.
Increase in annual investment in the energy sector

According to figures from the International Energy Agency, annual investment in the energy sector is expected to rise from 760 billion dollars in 2019 to 2.5 trillion in 2030. Almost triple!

  • More than half of the investment will go to renewable energy.
  • And more than a third will be allocated to the expansion, modernisation and digitisation of electricity grids.
Public policies that seek to electrify their economies as much as possible and do it in the most efficient way.
  • Goodbye coal.
    Infrastructures play a key role in the decarbonisation process of the main developed economies.
  • Welcome to renewable energies.
    Net Zero objective of the main developed economies: feed the electricity grids with as much renewable energy as possible.

Global timelines to reach net zero emissions

Source: World Resources Institute, IPCC.

The investment is focused on listed infrastructures, such as concessionary, railway and road infrastructures, and communication and electrical towers. These companies are essential for us to be able to live in cities.

  • A highly diversified investment universe, which ranges from companies dedicated to water, gas or electricity, to communication and transport companies.

What do the experts think?

With revenue generally linked to inflation, listed infrastructure corporates have shown growth characteristics over the past 12 years relative to global equities. In the current context, these corporates could be more resilient to the various economic cycles and this sector may therefore offer opportunities.

Our investment proposal

The value of investment funds1 can fall as well as rise, and you may get back less than you invested.

Risk profile
Investment Policy
Minimum contribution
Fact sheet/Subscribe
1000 €
1000 €
10 €