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Investment funds

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Investment funds
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21 Dec 2023
Blockchain technology is a shared database using a common, unmodifiable protocol which, unlike traditional table-based databases, records information in cryptographically linked blocks.

Why invest in this trend?

  • Any asset can be part of a blockchain database.
    It doesn't matter if it is tangible or intangible: mobile payment identification, border controls, supply chains, health, finance, journalism, energy, music, railways, shipping, real estate or intellectual property.
  • A technology that reduces online fraud crimes.
    These crimes have increased more than 800% since 2011. The importance of using blockchain in cybersecurity is due to how this technology helps strengthen security systems and protect sensitive information more effectively. A benefit of vital importance for, for example, the financial sector.
  • Fast, secure, accurate and traceable information.
    Accessing stored information immediately is vital for companies. Through blockchain, they can track orders, payments, accounts, production and transport all the way to the consumer. This translates into a reduction in risk and costs for everyone involved.
Asi funciona una cadena blockchain Operacióniniciada. Se registra y verifica la fuente de la materia prima, ubicación, calidad, fecha, etc. PROVEEDOR FABRICANTE DISTRIBUIDOR MINORISTA CONSUMIDOR El fabricante registra la recepción de la materia prima, elabora el producto y añade el código QR al envasado. El distribuidor reconoce la recepción del producto acabado, comunica la situación de inventario a la red del minorista y registra la hora de entrega y el método de envío a los distribuidores. El fabricante optimiza el inventario de la red de tiendas, verifica la entrega y proporciona la función QR al cliente. El cliente adquiere el producto, escanea el código QR con la app, registra la titularidad del producto, verifica su procedencia y autenticidad y gana puntos de fidelización con el minorista. Ejemplo de una cadena Blockchain aplicada a un suministro industrial La red valida la operación. La red recibe la solicitud. Se crea un nuevo bloque que representa la operación. Se añade un nuevo bloque a la cadena de bloques, creando un registro histórico de operaciones.
Asi funciona una cadena blockchain Operacióniniciada. Se registra y verifica la fuente de la materia prima, ubicación, calidad, fecha, etc. PROVEEDOR FABRICANTE DISTRIBUIDOR MINORISTA CONSUMIDOR El fabricante registra la recepción de la materia prima, elabora el producto y añade el código QR al envasado. El distribuidor reconoce la recepción del producto acabado, comunica la situación de inventario a la red del minorista y registra la hora de entrega y el método de envío a los distribuidores. El fabricante optimiza el inventario de la red de tiendas, verifica la entrega y proporciona la función QR al cliente. El cliente adquiere el producto, escanea el código QR con la app, registra la titularidad del producto, verifica su procedencia y autenticidad y gana puntos de fidelización con el minorista. Ejemplo de una cadena Blockchain aplicada a un suministro industrial La red valida la operación. La red recibe la solicitud. Se crea un nuevo bloque que representa la operación. Se añade un nuevo bloque a la cadena de bloques, creando un registro histórico de operaciones.
Blockchain technology has enormous transformative potential in virtually all sectors of human activity.
Blockchain technology has enormous potential
Health is one of the areas that has begun its transformation by applying blockchain technology.
A blockchain database allows for decentralized storage and secure access to health information, benefiting all stakeholders involved in healthcare processes. doctors, patients, pharmaceuticals, researchers and service providers.
  • Healthcare
    Having a complete and updated patient medical history that allows information to be exchanged between different specialist providers represents a true paradigm shift in the traditional doctor-patient relationship.
  • Pharmaceutical industry
    Its implementation avoids key operational risks such as counterfeiting, drug recalls, raw material sourcing or product contamination.
  • Research
    It allows researchers to share and record the results of their research showing the original authorship of the information and the date of its publication.
A blockchain database allows information to be decentralized

A technology that was conceived with cryptocurrencies, but which is now being successfully employed by such disparate areas of the economy as these:

  • Financial services.
    Reduces the cost, increases speed and improves the accessibility of financial products. An example is the automation of smart contracts in the granting of loans or in the valuation of insurance premiums.
  • Metaverse.
    For the metaverse, blockchain provides the digital infrastructure for owning, maintaining, and exchanging virtual goods and digital currencies.
  • Web 3.0.
    The transformation to this new generation of internet has the potential to eliminate the centralized providers that currently store and benefit from user data and content.
  • Climate Change.
    Blockchain technology makes it possible to more accurately track, measure and ultimately reduce the carbon footprint of a supply chain. But not only this, also the digitalisation of and automation of paper-based flows, the ethical and sustainable sourcing of raw materials.
A technology that was born with cryptocurrencies