Sometimes it's hard to do two things at once

Funeral service
Whatever the cause of death, a professional team will take care of coordinating, organising and delivering funeral services.
Funeral home
The insurance that covers all final expenses, including the funeral home.
Seguro de Accidentes
Esta garantía incluye el fallecimiento por accidente por importe de 10.000€ y doble capital en caso de que el fallecimiento se produzca por accidente de ambos cónyuges.
An insurance policy for tomorrow and also today.
Find your nearest branch to purchase this insurance
Single insurance account
The perfect formula: add insurance policies, multiply your peace of mind.
We've come up with the perfect formula to group all your insurance premiums into a single payment.
Work out how much you could save with our Single Insurance Account calculator.1

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You need to answer a simple question about your health to take out “SIEMPRE” funeral insurance.
“SIEMPRE” funeral insurance is a renewable annual policy and the premium is updated every year in line with the CPI.
Eligible ages:
- 0 to 70, inclusive.
- If minors are included, the policyholder must be over 18 years of age.
- This policy is not available to people over 70 years of age. Those customers must take out a single-payment policy.
The maximum number of insured persons under a single policy is ten.
What are the advantages of having a funeral insurance policy?
There are basically two: to ensure that your funeral expenses are not a problem for your loved ones and also so that they don't have to deal with a lot of red tape and administrative procedures.
Until what age can I take out a funeral insurance policy?
With Bankinter, you can take out a funeral insurance policy up to the age of 110 (depending on what type you choose).
What types of funeral insurance can you take out?
This policy has three types depending on the customers’ needs:
- One-time payment: this is a one-off premium payment; the insured party is covered for life, and does not need to do regular check-ups or answer health questionnaires. This type of policy is only available to people between the ages of 55 and 110.
- Always: recommended for people under 70 years of age. What sets this insurance policy apart is that in addition to the traditional death policy, it includes a catalogue of commonly used life services: medical check-ups, travel assistance, home help, etc.
- Foreign residents: For foreigners who usually reside in Spain but intend to return to their country of origin within a few years or when they retire. Your can take out our foreign residents insurance policy until the age of 65.
However, the order for the additional contribution or redemption will be collected and processed as quickly as possible.
How many people can be insured on the same policy?
You can insure up to 10 people.
Can I change my insurance company?
Yes, you can change company as often as you wish (just like your vehicle or household insurance).
Do insurance companies work all over Spain?
Yes, all the companies work all over Spain thanks to agreements with local funeral homes.
What types of funeral service can you choose?
You can choose from the following funeral services:
- Burial: service for the burial of insured mortal remains
- Cremation: service to cremate insured mortal remains
- Burial rates: in this service, only the rates for the niche tomb/grave site owned by the policyholders are insured.
What happens if the insured person owns a niche tomb or grave site?
In this case, you should take out the burial rates service. This service covers the rates for opening and closing the tomb/grave site owned by the policyholders.
Can I choose the funeral company?
Can I choose a cemetery?
Yes. In Spain, the company will cover the cost of transporting the deceased person to the local cemetery chosen by his/her relatives, as long as the competent authorities do not object.
What should I do if an insured person dies?
Please call the 24-hour service number 918 366 225 to open the claim process. The customer service agent will give you all the information you need about the policy and the benefits of the service.
Show/Hide legal textBankinter, S.A., as the related bancassurance operator, with registered office at Paseo de la Castellana 29, 28046, Madrid, recorded in Volume 1857, Folio 220, Page 9643 of the Madrid Companies Register, holder of Tax ID Number A-28157360 and registered with the special administrative registry of the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds at the Ministry of the Economy and Finance (44 Paseo de la Castellana, 28046 Madrid), with code OV-0028, distributes Death insurance from the company Bankinter Seguros Generales, S.A. de Seguros and has taken out the civil liability insurance required under Article 152 of Royal Decree-Law 3/2020 of 4 February on urgent measures, which incorporates into Spanish law various directives of the European Union concerning public procurement in certain sectors: private insurance, pension plans and funds, and taxation and tax litigation.
The bancassurance operator has entered into insurance agency agreements with the institutions specified in the following link.
Show/Hide legal textBasic information about data protection information. Bankinter Seguros Generales S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros will process your data for the following purposes: Your data will necessarily be processed for the following reasons: (i) compliance with legal obligations; (ii) comprehensive and centralised management of your insurance contract; (iii) request that doctors and healthcare providers supply the data and healthcare background needed to enable the contract's full execution and the fulfilment of your interests; (iv) analysis and profiling for appropriate execution of the insurance contract; and (v) contact you to inform you about products or services that may be of interest to you since they are similar to the products/services you have already arranged with us. So that we can inform you about the products and services described above, your personal data will be analysed to create a profile using the same, which will enable commercial announcements to be tailored as closely as possible to your needs, tastes and preferences and sent to you through any means. Please refer to the additional information about data protection published by Bankinter Seguros Generales S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros.
Show/Hide legal text1 Single Insurance Account at Bankinter, S.A. Credit facility designed to finance the payment of Insurance Premiums for which a direct debit has been set up in the Associated Account or in another Bankinter Account and registered in the Single Insurance Account. The credit facility is subject to prior approval by Bankinter, S.A. and can only be used to pay insurance premiums for policies registered in it.
The credit facility is subject to prior approval by Bankinter, S.A.
To benefit from the bonus, you must include two insurance policies with a minimum annual premium of €120 per policy. The maximum percentage bonus is 10%. This bonus percentage depends on the number of insurance policies associated with the Single Insurance Account: 1: 0%. 2: 2%. 3: 3%. 4: 4%. 5: 5%. 6: 6%. 7: 7%. 8: 8%. 9: 9%. 10: 10%.
The following insurance products arranged through Bankinter, Operador de Banca Seguros Vinculados, can be included in the Single Insurance Account: Individual Risk Life Insurance, Home Insurance, Individual Health Insurance and Funeral Insurance (periodic premium).
Bankinter, S.A., Operador Banca Seguros Vinculado, with registered office at Paseo de la Castellana 29, 28046 Madrid, entered in the Madrid Companies Register under Volume 1857, Sheet 220, Page 9643, with Tax Identification Number (CIF) A-28157360 and entered in the Special Administrative Registry of the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds under the Ministry of the Economy and Finance (Paseo de la Castellana 44, 28046 Madrid),, under the bancassurance operator code OV-0028, distributes Life Risk Insurance of the company Bankinter Seguros de Vida, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, Seguros de Hogar de las Compañías: Generali Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A., Occident GCO, Sociedad Anónima de Seguros y Reaseguros and Línea Directa Sociedad Anónima Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros; annual renewable Funeral Insurance from the company Bankinter Insurance Generales, S.A., of Seguros y Reaseguros; and Individual Healthcare Insurance from the company Mapfre España, Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. It has arranged the civil liability insurance required by Article 152 of Royal Decree-Law 3/2020, of 4 February, on urgent measures by which various European Union directives are incorporated into the Spanish law in the field of public procurement in certain sectors; private insurance, pension plans and funds, taxation and tax litigation.
The bancassurance operator has entered into insurance agency agreements with the institutions listedhere.