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Investment products

How do pension plans work?

A pension plan is a product designed to help you save for your retirement. It is advisable to make regular or one-off contributions to get the maximum return and tax benefits.

Depending on the investment policy chosen and the desired investment profile (low, medium or high risk), the pension plan will invest in more conservative or riskier assets.

The maximum contribution you can make to an individual pension plan is €1,500 per year, but additional contributions of up to €8,500 are allowed in the case of group or corporate pension plans. The joint maximum contribution is therefore €10,000 per year. These contributions will be deducted from your tax base when you file your income tax return.


Pension plan finder

Check our full range of pension plans and find the best one for you.
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Model portfolios

Read the pension plan model portfolio reports.
Find out more about Model portfolios