Self-employed professionals
Just by running your own business, doing your best at your job and making the quarterly, you deserve that your bank makes it easy for you to manage your finances.
That's why we offer you this exclusive Bankinter offer of products and Services designed for freelancers like you.
Exclusive Bankinter product offers and services for self-employed professionals
Pension plans
Accounts that work for you
You can choose from two interest-bearing accounts with no commissions designed for freelancers.
- Business account: if you have a monthly income of €800 or more and pay your bills by direct debit.
- Non-salary account: if you don't have a fixed income but you do pay your bills by direct debit and use the card.
- Credit card without issuance or maintenance fees.
- Free domestic transfers from
- Switching to Bankinter service: Let us take care of transferring your accounts, bill payments, etc.
- More than 17,000 ATMs for free debit card withdrawals3.
Maximum interest-bearing balance: €10,000. Promotion limited to the first 40,000 new accounts.
The card that keeps up with you
Duo Credit Card
End of month side
Pay-in-4 side
And what's more...
- No issuance or maintenance fees with the business account.
- With more than 17,000 free ATMs for free debit card withdrawals3.
BK pension plans for freelancers
A good simplified employment pension plan5 to build your future.
An exclusive pension plan for self-employed workers, with the unique advantages of pension plans for freelancers.
- You will increase the amount of contributions. It allows you up to €4,250 per year, in addition to the €1,500 general contribution limit, thereby increasing the maximum annual contribution in pension plans €5,750.
- You will have the opportunity to increase your savings capacity.
- You will be able to contribute flexibly, through regular or one-off contributions that you can adjust or pause, depending on your needs. Minimum contribution of €50.
Insurance for self-employed professionals
An all-in-one solution, for you, for your family, for your business.
For you and your family
For your business
Single insurance account6
It allows you to group all your insurance payments into a single payment, so you can enjoy the peace of mind of having everything under control, and get up to 10% bonus!
- Pay your insurance premiums in monthly instalments: You can group your insurance payments and pay them monthly, without incurring any cost. 0% AER5. Plus, you can split up the bills of policies that you have already paid.
- The more insurance policies you bundle, the more you save: By including at least two policies with a minimum annual premium of €120 per policy, you will receive a 2% bonus, for three policies a 3% bonus … and so on up to 10% for ten policies!
You can include the following insurance policies taken out through the linked insurance banking operator: Individual Risk Life Insurance, Home Insurance, Individual Health Insurance and Funeral Insurance (periodic premium).
Support with the day-to-day management of your business.
A solution for collecting your business income that will also help you manage your sales.
Easy to set up and use.
Your transactions will be credited directly to your account.
You can review your billing information on the Bankinter Business website.
Collections / direct debit management
To send and control your bill payments conveniently, and access information on unpaid bills on the Bankinter Business website.
Sea cual sea el motivo por el que necesites un aval, respondemos por ti.
- Concursos ante la administración pública.
- Derechos publicitarios.
- Sobre juzgados ante el Ministerio de Justicia.
Switching to Bankinter service
If you want to bring products from another bank, we can help you manage the transfer to Bankinter easily, free of charge and 100% online in a single request of your following products:
- Your accounts (income, balance … ) and all your bill payments.
- Your pension plans and investment funds.
And, if you'd like, you can also request the transfer of some of your bill payments, your mortgage or your securities portfolio.
Find out more about the Switching to Bankinter service
You decide
The service that makes getting started at Bankinter very, very easy:
- You can register as a customer in five easy steps. No set times, no queues and no disruption to your day.
- You can add account holders during the process.
- You can start and continue the process at any time and via any channel: at your branch, online or over the phone.
Financing for freelancers
Facilities loan
A loan tailored to your needs, so you have greater resources in your business. Facilities, equipment, technology …
- Between 12 and 60 months.
- Personalised price.
Credit policy
The policy that allows you access to the money you need at all times.
- Renewable annually, it does not require a new policy with each renewal.
- Avoid notary costs and formalities.
- All types of guarantees, including mortgage guarantees, are accepted.
Real Estate and Furniture Leasing
Bankinter Leasing is a financial lease with an option to purchase that allows you to enjoy an asset in exchange for periodic instalments. You can finance the acquisition of capital assets, machinery and real estate. Make convenient payments and also enjoy tax advantages.
- Financing of up to 100% of the asset.
- Option of insuring the assets.
- Ability to to consult the status of your leasing operations and perform simulations.
Confirming and Factoring
Two solutions that will make your collections and payments easier.
- Factoring: We manage the collection of your invoices issued to customers and offer financing for the amount, with or without recourse.
- Reverse Factoring: We manage your payments to suppliers, allowing you to anticipate and guarantee their collection.
ICO for businesses and entrepreneurs
We support you with the application for the ICO line for the financing of productive investments within the national territory.
- To have liquidity or face expenses related to your business operations.
- To meet the financing and investment needs necessary for your business operations.
Digital Kit
A grant of up to €12,000, financed by Fondos Next Generation, to help your company boost your digital business.
- For managing your social networks.
- For your website and digital presence.
- For your business intelligence and analytics.
- For cybersecurity, ERP management programs, process management …
Fondos Next Gen
A complete solution in which we partner with FI Group to guide you in the application for aid from European funds.
- Specialised consulting from the FI Group, which will advise you throughout the entire process.
- Next Generation Financing from Bankinter, with a specific range of products for each of the stages of your projects: guarantees, advances and financing
Want to take advantage of these offers?
Useful information
Show/Hide legal text1 5% interest-bearing accounts: Offer valid until -. For new and existing individual customers who live in Spain, who have not held a Salary/Pension/Business/Non-Salary/Youth Salary account at Bankinter in the 12 months before opening this new account and who must have never received remuneration for any of these accounts. For Salary/Pension/Business Accounts, customers must also have at least €800 of the salary/pension/professional income paid into the account per month. To take advantage of this promotion, the customer may not be the holder of more than two of the following accounts: Salary/Youth Salary Account, Pension Account, Business Account and Non-Salary Account.
The maximum interest-bearing balance is €10,000. Year 1: nominal annual interest rate of 4.94% (5% AER). Year 2: nominal annual interest rate of 1.99% (2% AER). Interest paid every six months. Example for a daily balance of €10,000 in a salary account, calculated for an interest payment period of 180 days (gross remuneration): 1st six months €243.62, 2nd six months €243.62, 3rd six months €98.14, 4th six months €98.14.
In order to earn and retain all the benefits of our Salary/Business/Pension Account, you must maintain your declared level of income and pay at least three (3) bills by direct debit per quarter. The card linked to the account must also remain active, meaning that it must be used to make at least three payments each quarter. For the Pension Account, you do not have to activate the linked credit card. For the Non-Salary account, you must pay at least 10 direct debits per quarter and spend at least €3,000 per year with the card(s) linked to the account.
Show/Hide legal text2 If you open a Salary/Pension/Business/Non-Salary/Young Salary account, you can have up to two current accounts with no maintenance fee (NIR 0%, AER 0% calculated for a hypothetical daily balance of €10,000 held for one year). This offer is available until - for both new and existing customers, and is compatible with all of the other benefits for the Accounts.
Show/Hide legal text3 ATMs: Bankinter will not charge you any fees when you withdraw cash with your debit card, no matter the amount, provided you use a Bankinter ATM or an ATM belonging to any of the following banks: Grupo Cajas Rurales, Deutsche Bank, Grupo Cajamar, Laboral Kutxa, Banca March, Targo Bank, Euro Automatic Cash, Euronet and the entire Euro 6000 ATM network: Cajasur, EVO Banco, CECABANK, Cashzone, Caixa Ontinyent, Colonya Caixa Pollença, ABANCA, Ibercaja, Kutxabank and Unicaja.
Show/Hide legal text4 Cards issued and financing offered by Bankinter Consumer Finance, E.F.C., S.A., a hybrid payment institution with a safeguard system consisting of the deposit of the funds in a separate current account opened at Bankinter, S.A., registered with Banco de España under number 8832, with registered office at 12 Avda. de Bruselas, 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid, recorded in Volume 22,729, Folio 181, Sheet No. M-259543 of the Madrid Companies Register, and with Tax ID Number A82650672.
Show/Hide legal text5 BK Autónomos Plan de Pensiones simplificado: El documento con los datos fundamentales para el partícipe está disponible en La entidad Promotora del plan de pensiones simplificado para autónomos es Colegio de Economistas de Albacete, con N.I.F. nº Q0261001B. La entidad Gestora de los Fondos de Pensiones es Bankinter Seguros de Vida, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros. La entidad Depositaria de los Fondos de Pensiones es Bankinter, S.A.
Show/Hide legal text6 Cuenta Única de Seguros de Bankinter S.A:Línea de crédito destinada a la financiación del pago de las Primas de Seguro domiciliadas en la Cuenta Asociada o en otra Cuenta Bankinter y que se den de alta en la Cuenta Única de Seguros. La línea de crédito está sujeta a la aprobación previa de Bankinter SA y solo puede utilizarse para pagar las primas de los seguros dados de alta en la misma.Línea de crédito sujeta a la aprobación previa de Bankinter SA.
Ejemplo de cliente que unifica sus seguros: Seguro de salud individual 600 €/año, seguro de hogar 300 €/año y seguro de vida 300 €/año, y por tanto para una disposición con cargo a la Cuenta Única por importe de 1.200 euros realizada el día 1 del mes, con un plazo de amortización de 12 meses, TIN 0% y TAE 0%, 12 cuotas de 100€. Importe total adeudado 1.200€. Intereses: 0€. Coste total: 0€. Sistema de amortización francés. Bankinter, SA, Operador de Banca-Seguros Vinculado, con domicilio en Paseo de la Castellana, 29 (CP 28046), inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Madrid Tomo 1857, Folio 220, Hoja, 9643, provisto de CIF A-28157360 y en el Registro Administrativo Especial de la Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones, dependiente del Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda (Pº de la Castellana, 44, 28046 Madrid),, con clave OV-0028, el operador de banca-seguro, tiene concertado el seguro de responsabilidad civil requerido por el artículo 152 del Real Decretoley 3/2020, de 4 de febrero, de medidas urgentes por el que se incorporan al ordenamiento jurídico español diversas directivas de la Unión Europea en el ámbito de la contratación pública en determinados sectores; de seguros privados; de planes y fondos de pensiones; del ámbito tributario y de litigios fiscales.El operador de banco-seguro tiene suscritos contratos de agencia de seguros con las siguientes entidades:
Bankinter Seguros de Vida, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, Bankinter Seguros Generales, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, Línea Directa Aseguradora Sociedad Anónima compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, Plus Ultra Seguros Generales y Vida, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, Liberty Seguros, Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A., AXA Seguros Generales, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, Mapfre Global Risk, Cía. Internacional de Seguros y Reaseguros, Mapfre Vida, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros sobre la Vida Humana, Mapfre España Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A., Helvetia Compañía Suiza, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, HDI Global SE Suc. España, Stonebridge International Insurance LTD, Financial Insurance Company Limited Spain, Financial Assurance Company Limited Spain, S.O.S. Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A., CHUBB European Group PLC, Asefa, S.A. Seguros y Reaseguros, Solunión Seguros de Crédito Cia Internacionalde Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A., Sanitas Sociedad Anónima de Seguros, Cigna Life Insurance Company of Europe, S.A. Sucursal en España, Metlife Europe Designated Activity Sucursal en España, D.A.S. Defensa del automovilista y de siniestros-internacional, Sociedad Anónima de Seguros y Reaseguros (Sociedad Unipersonal).