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Tenant default coverage
Tenant default coverage
A guarantee is given for payment by the Insurer to the Insured of compensation equivalent to the amount of the rental income of the insured home that, agreed in the lease contract, has not been paid by the Lessee, up to the sum insured and the number of monthly rent payments per claim established in the policy's Specific Terms and Conditions.
This compensation will be paid by the Insurer to the Insured as a lump sum, when the court rules on the eviction for non-payment of rent or sentences the Lessee to pay the outstanding rent. The Insured shall provide the Insurer with proof of the court ruling.
Once the compensation payment has been made, the Insurer is subrogated to the rights of the Insured-Lessor to act against the tenant in claiming the amounts paid in compliance with the insurance contract.
The Insured is obliged to collaborate with the Insurer therefor and to provide the Insurer with any the documents and authorisations it requires, including a ratification in court if required to do so.
In any case, the Insured will be obliged to reimburse the Insurer for the amount received from the Insurance Company by virtue of the tenant default guarantee, in the event that the Lessee pays the overdue amount after the compensation is given under the aforementioned guarantee. Likewise, the Insured will be obliged to make such a refund in the event of receiving the outstanding rents from any other natural person or legal entity on behalf of the Lessee.
For the effectiveness and entry into force of this guarantee, the Insured must provide the Insurer with documents proving the fulfilment of the obligations that, with respect to the Lessee's payment capacity, are established for the Insured in insurance rule 3 provided for in Article 5 of these General Terms and Conditions.
Otherwise, the Company shall be released from the payment of the benefits agreed to in this Article.
Coverage of material damage, vandalism and misappropriation
Coverage of material damage, vandalism and misappropriation
Up to the limit of the insured sum established in the policy's Special Terms and Conditions, a guarantee is offered whereby the Insurer will pay the Insured compensation for damages caused by acts of vandalism attributable to the Lessee in the insured home and to the furniture listed in the inventory included in the lease, as well as its misappropriation. “Acts of vandalism” shall be any damages caused, with malicious intent, by the tenant of the insured home. All damages attributable to the same tenant shall be considered as a single claim, regardless of whether or not they took place on different dates. Damages derived from the gradual wear and tear of assets, and the work usually necessary to keep them in use, will not be insured. The Company shall pay compensation per claim of up to 75% of the annual rental income specified in the policy's Specific Terms and Conditions, with a limit of 3,000 euros per insurance annuity. However, in each claim, the Insured will be liable for paying an amount equivalent to one month of rent, and the Company shall pay for any amount over this excess, up to the insured limit. When the damage caused by acts of vandalism by the Lessee is repairable, the Company's obligation shall be limited to compensating for the amount of such repair or, with the consent of the Insured, to repairing the damage.
Lessor's legal defence coverage
Lessor's legal defence coverage
Legal defence coverage
The legal defence coverage guarantees, up to the limit agreed for it in the policy's Specific Terms and Conditions, the payment of the expenses that the Insured may incur as a result of their taking part (in their name or of any person listed as Insured in this policy) in court, administrative or arbitration proceedings; of the expenses expressly provided for in this article; or the expenses incurred in the provision of the necessary judicial and extrajudicial legal assistance services, and derived from the insurance coverage.
Unless otherwise agreed, the guarantees covered by this insurance shall be exclusively applicable to the aforementioned proceedings as filed with courts, tribunals or public or private bodies that have their headquarters or domicile in Spanish territory.
The insured sum set in the policy's Specific Terms and Conditions for Legal Defence coverage is the maximum limit of the amount to be paid by the insurance company – regardless of the number of insured – for all actions derived from the same event or cause of action, irrespective of the number of proceedings, their duration or judicial instances resorted to.
By this guarantee, and in his or her capacity as Lessor of the insured home, the Insured's criminal defence is guaranteed in trials of minor crimes against him or her, with the following benefits:
- a) Legal defence by a lawyer and solicitor, where appropriate, as well as the payment of their fees.
- b) The payment of the corresponding legal expenses.
Further, the defence of the Insured is guaranteed in the context of criminal and civil actions when the Insured is harmed by a crime.
By this guarantee, the Insurer will assume the defence of the Insured's interests in conflicts that may arise between the Lessor and the Lessee and are directly related to the current lease of the home described in the policy's Specific Terms and Conditions, such as evictions, non-consensual works executed by the Lessee, damages caused by the Lessee as a result of acts of vandalism, subleases, and any other case provided for in the Urban Leasing Law.
This includes the following benefits:
- Extrajudicial arrangements, as well as payment of any expenses that may occur.
- The legal defence in court proceedings derived from the specified causes, when compensation has not been obtained through extrajudicial means.
Claim for damages
Claim for damages due to extra-contractual fault or negligence
A guarantee is given for the claim for damages suffered by the Insured, in the rented house or in the furniture listed in the lease, provided that such damages are derived from extra-contractual fault or negligence for which the party causing the claim must respond according to articles 1902-1910 of the Civil Code. As such, the expenses derived from proceedings in which the Insured participates as injured party, to claim damages caused by a third party through fault or negligence, will be understood to be included in the coverage, when there is no contractual relationship between them; and when the claim is exercised only to demand the responsibility derived from the aforementioned articles, except in the case of any of the excluded proceedings as expressly established in these General Terms and Conditions, which will not be covered in any case.
Claim for damages due to contractual fault or negligence
A guarantee is given for the claim for damages and losses caused to the Insured in the rented home and in the movable property given for rental and listed in the lease, provided that the cause of said damages is the contractual breach of any of the following services, when they have been arranged by the Insured and the Insured bears their full payment:
- Cleaning.
- Removals.
- Repairs and renovations in general, carried out by individuals or legal entities, duly authorised to carry out those activities.
- Services provided in the exercise of their respective professions by lawyers, court solicitors, notaries, property registrars and administrative managers, linked to the management of the current lease of the home described in the policy's Specific Terms and Conditions.
The claim for damages, both due to non-contractual and contractual fault or negligence, includes the following benefits:
- Out-of-court arrangements to compensate for damages and losses, as well as payment of expenses incurred in connection with said claim.
- Legal defence in proceedings derived from the specified causes of claim for damages, when compensation has not been obtained through extrajudicial means.
Criminal defence for the Lessor
By this guarantee, and in his or her capacity as Lessor of the insured home, the Insured's criminal defence is guaranteed in trials of minor crimes against him or her, with the following benefits: a) Legal defence by a lawyer and solicitor, where appropriate, as well as the payment of their fees. b) Payment of the corresponding legal expenses. Further, the defence of the Insured is guaranteed in the context of criminal and civil actions when the Insured is harmed by a crime.
Legal advice
The Company, through its phone Legal Advisory Service, will answer any queries, questions or problems that the Insured may have about any legal matter under Spanish law. The service is limited to phone advice regarding the particular question, without issuing a written opinion.
Home assistance coverage
Home assistance coverage
Guarantees and benefits
When this coverage is specifically taken out in the Specific Terms and Conditions, the Company is obliged to provide the services derived therefrom and specified in the policy or, where appropriate, to reimburse the Insured for the expenses authorised by the Company and incurred to obtain any benefits that were paid by the Company 1.10.
Urgent services
The Company shall assume the provision of the following service in cases of fire, explosion, flood or theft, subject to an express request from the Insured: • Surveillance and protection of the home, by qualified personnel, when it has been left unprotected. The service will be render for as long as the home does not reach the level of protection and security that it had prior to the incident, and for a maximum of three days following the incident originating this benefit. 1.11.
Repairs, refurbishments and other services
In the cases not provided for in any other coverage and for the services corresponding to the activities marked with an asterisk (*), the Company shall assume the travel costs and the first three hours of work for cases that require urgent repair. The Insured must bear the cost of the materials used and, where appropriate, any extra work hours. Such works and services must refer to the property identified in the Specific Terms and Conditions. For all other activities or repairs that are not urgent and are not included in any other coverage, the Insured may use the Company's Service Centre. The Company shall make available to the Insured the appropriate professionals. These professionals shall give quotes for the works or services and, where appropriate, carry them out. The Insured shall have to pay for such works and services. The Company may provide the following services:
- Masonry
- TV aerials
- Carpentry (wood and metal) (*)
- Locksmith (*)
- Glassware (*)
- Electricity (*)
- Plaster
- Plumbing (*)
- General cleaning; carpets
- Wallpapers
- Parquet flooring
- Blinds
- Painting
- Intercoms
- Alarm and security systems
- Awnings
- Surveillance
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Taking out the insurance is simple, and you have two options:
You can do it yourself, right now, from here.
Content You can do it yourself, right now, from here.All you need to do is send us the completed and signed application here. We will review it and contact you to continue the process.
- Under “ Required documents”, you will find the documents you will need to have on hand
Or you can do it through one of our insurance specialists.
Content Or you can do it through one of our insurance specialists.One of our specialists will contact you to help you complete the insurance application.
Any questions about rental protection insurance?
See Required documents Required documents
You will need to provide the following documents to take out the rental protection insurance. These documents vary depending on the employment situation of the person to whom you have rented or are going to rent the house (the tenant).
For all cases
Signed insurance application. Copy of the lease.
If your tenant is an employee with an indefinite contract or is a civil servant
You can choose between these three options:
- Last payroll showing the length of time and the type of contract (if this is not specified, you will need to provide an official certificate, a copy of the employment contract or employment history) and the last income tax return.
- Bank guarantee for the minimum amount of three monthly rent payments.
- Personal guarantee from a guarantor with proof of ability to pay as described in point one.
If your tenant is self-employed, on a temporary contract or a student
You can choose between these two options:
- Bank guarantee for the minimum amount of three monthly rent payments.
- Personal guarantee from a guarantor with proof of ability to pay as described above.
If your tenant is a pensioner
You can choose between these three options:
- Last proof of pension and last tax return or letter from the National Social Security Institute.
- Bank guarantee for the minimum amount of three monthly rent payments.
- Personal guarantee from a guarantor with proof of ability to pay as described above.
If your tenant is not a pensioner
You can choose between these three options:
- Latest tax return.
- Bank guarantee for the minimum amount of three monthly rent payments.
- Personal guarantee from a guarantor with proof of ability to pay as described above.
If your tenant's situation does not fit any of the above, our team of insurance specialists will inform you about what documents you will need for your particular case.
See Conditions Conditions
Mapfre's Rental Protection insurance can be taken out by both individuals and legal entities.
Purpose of the insurance
This insurance is designed to ensure Rental Protection for the insured homes, as well as damages that are caused to them.
Conditions for taking out the insurance
To be able to take out the insurance you must meet some requirements:
- You must have a signed lease according to the terms and conditions established in the Urban Leasing Law (LAU).
- The insured sum of the tenant default coverage (annual rental income) must not exceed 40% of the tenant's gross annual income.
- Proof of the tenant's ability to pay must be provided.
Risks Excluded
The following are not eligible for this insurance:
- Workers on a temporary contract, except with a bank guarantee or guarantor with proven ability to pay.
- Tenants without the ability to pay (to prove the ability to pay, the annual rent/annual gross income ratio will be calculated, which must not exceed 40%).
- Holiday lets, business premises, tourist accommodation, agricultural leases, rooms with the right to use the bathroom and kitchen or any other that does not comply with the LAU.
- Subletting.
- Parking spaces and storage rooms, which are not listed as accessory dwelling units.
- Payment of amounts that are not considered income.
Economic terms and conditions
It is an annual renewable insurance with the possibility of payment in annual instalments or half-year or quarterly instalments, without any type of surcharge.
You can take the policy out through any of our channels: at our branches, on our website and via Telephone Banking.
Information of interest
Show/Hide legal textUnderwriting the insurance will always be subject to the insurance company's review and analysis of the proposal and documents.
Show/Hide legal textBankinter, S.A., as the related bancassurance operator, with registered office at Paseo de la Castellana 29, 28046 Madrid, entered in the Madrid Companies Register under Volume 1857, Sheet 220, Page 9643, with Tax ID Number (CIF) A-28157360 and entered in the Special Administrative Registry of the General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds, belonging to the Ministry of Economy and Finance (Paseo de la Castellana 44, 28046 Madrid) with code OV-0028, distributes Rental Protection insurance from the company Mapfre España, Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. Bankinter, S.A. has taken out the civil liability insurance required under Article 152 of Royal Decree-Law 3/2020 of 4 February that incorporates into Spanish law several directives of the European Union concerning public procurement in certain sectors: private insurance, pension plans and funds, taxation and tax litigation.
The bancassurance operator has entered into insurance agency agreements with the institutions listedhere.