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Investment funds

We are not talking about “one giant leap”, we are talking about a new future.

Progress in aerospace
Investment funds
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20 Oct 2022
We are no longer talking about a dream. We are talking about a reality in which aerospace technology will mean a revolution that will improve life on Earth from space.

Why invest in this trend?

  • We will have ever more accurate information.
    There are many sectors that use information from space: agriculture and mining benefit from the use of more appropriate machinery. Even organ manufacturing research is being helped by reduced gravity.
  • Greater precision in forecasts and the evolution of climate change thanks to new technologies.
    Better control of effects, both on the climate and the atmosphere, also making it possible to monitor evolution of the world's forests and vegetation more accurately than from Earth itself.
  • Improved telecommunications.
    Corporates in the space industry have a positive impact on society. Their technology allows more isolated groups of people to be in communication more easily and so helps to reduce the digital divide.
  • Images and security.
    Images taken from satellites are getting ever more clear and offer a great tool in the fight against crime.
We have now left the 1960s behind us. Today, we no longer talk about the space race, but about the aerospace industry.
The current aerospace industry has a clear strategic character for its contribution to society and its capacity for innovation and the creation of value:
  • Before: Space 1.0
    There were no incentives to reduce costs, the pace of innovation was slow, launches were infrequent and, of course, no account was taken of criteria, environmental commitment or social responsibility.
  • Now: Space 2.0.
    The current model, which encompasses the most enterprising and visionary businesses – innovation without limit. Businesses that, unlike in the past, take into account the criteria of environmental, social and corporate governance responsibility.

Satellites in orbit around the Earth. primer satélite de la historia, fue lanzado al espacio por la Unión Soviética.el Sputnik 1,13.262Desde entonces,se han lanzadoal espacio.satélites2.802Solo ensaté lanzaron20231.276,19 %En 10 años el númerode satélites lanzadosal espacio ha crecido un1.2.3.4.
1957Enel primer satélite de la historia, fue lanzado al espacio por la Unión Soviética.el Sputnik 1,13.262Desde entonces,se han lanzadoal espacio.satélites2.802Solo ensaté lanzaron20231.276,19 %En 10 años el númerode satélites lanzadosal espacio ha crecido un
Source: United Nations. Office for outer space affairs.

More growth, lower costs.

  • From USD 400,000 in 2021 to USD 2.7 trillion in 2045.
    We are talking about a booming market, with an extraordinary growth forecast for the coming years.
  • More possibilities for corporates.
    The growth in this trend and the reduction of costs means an increase in activity, fewer barriers and greater possibilities for corporates.
Space, a vital place for scientific development and a source of new technologies.

Investment universe

The investment universe focuses on four types of corporates: those located in space, those located between Earth and space, those located on Earth, and transversal corporates that develop technologies to make this revolution possible.

  • Corporates dedicated to the development of information technologies (IT) and the related industry.
  • Corporates that benefit from the development of space technology and its applications for different sectors, such as agriculture and security.

What do the experts think?

According to the International Energy Agency, in 2030 the world will need almost 60% more energy than in 2020. An energy production in which water is a critical element.

Our investment proposal

The value of investment funds1 can fall as well as rise, and you may get back less than you invested.

Risk profile
Investment Policy
Minimum contribution
Fact sheet/Subscribe
1000 €
10 €