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Investment funds
We search, we think, we work... Everything is saved, but the question is, where?
Big data
Where and why. The answer is Big Data. Large-scale data, so complex that it requires new and constant computer applications capable of storing it and, equally important and necessary, analysing it.
The data grows and grows.We are generating more and more data, both individually and at a company level. An asset that has mobilised companies to adapt to this situation, incorporating Big Data into their business models.
A before and after the pandemic.What we could consider a differentiation before the pandemic has become an obligation. Companies have naturally adopted the new digital model: video calls, teleworking, Zoom...
Big Data is already present in all sectors of the economy.It is the digitisation of the economy, a reality that is relevant in terms of long-term investment, since it allows greater diversification.
After the pandemic, companies saw the need to be prepared to access their data remotely.
A real revolution that has forced companies to invest in network storage or cyber security, in short, to reorient their work systems and production models towards digitisation:
Digitisation that affects all business areasDigital models are present in all business areas, from production systems (sensors capable of starting production processes based on demand, anticipating a supply problem that could put supply at risk, etc.) to financial management through the cloud.
The interconnection of devices generates a huge amount of data that requires massive processing capable of turning it into information.
And, today, information is one of the most highest valued assets for business development: what we buy, what time we do it, how we behave, what our habits are like, how we move around, how we enjoy our leisure time... A very long etcetera that seems to have no end.
The four “V”s of Big Data technology:
Volume.We are talking about a booming market, with an extraordinary growth forecast for the coming years.
Variety.For these data to be converted into information, it is necessary to combine the data provided by different sources.
Speed.Big Data technology has to be able to quickly store and analyse the data obtained.
Veracity.This is the latest “V” incorporated by the giant IBM, which defends the need to trust the data obtained. Only in this way can decisions be made correctly.
Source: spaces.media
Investment universe
Our investment proposal identifies companies that participate in technological sectors or those related to advanced analysis technology (Big Data).
- Companies that analyse different sources: Internet and mobile phones, internet of things, sectoral data or experimental data.
- Companies that analyse structured, unstructured or semi-structured data.
What do the experts think?
- According to Action Data, it is estimated that each person currently online generates approximately 1.7 megabytes of data per second, much of which is retained.
- Other relevant information: The European Commission estimates that by 2025, thirteen million Big Data experts will be needed to meet the demand in this sector.
Our investment proposal
The value of investment funds1 can fall as well as rise, and you may get back less than you invested.
1000 €
1000 €
1000 €
Show/Hide legal text1 Investment funds: The key investor information document, prospectus and all other legal documents related to Bankinter's collective investment institutions are available in Spanish at any of our branches, on the Bankinter website (www.bankinter.com) and on the website of the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).
Show/Hide legal text2 The fees shown are the sum of the management and depositary fees. These fees are charged annually.
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