Partnership between Endesa, Bankinter and OHLA to facilitate energy-related renovation of buildings of homeowners' associations, with european funds
The agreement has been signed by Bankinter's chief executive officer, María Dolores Dancausa, the CEO of Endesa, José Bogas, and Jose Antonio Fernández Gallar, CEO of OHLA.
They have signed a partnership to develop a "turnkey" solution for property renovation with the aim of increasing energy efficiency in homes and facilitating access to the Next Generation European Funds.
Endesa X and OHLA will act as joint "Renovation Agent" and carry out feasibility studies to offer the homeowners' associations the optimal solution as regards energy installations, building with sustainability criteria, energy savings and financial aid. Bankinter will supply the necessary financing to complete the energy-related renovation of these residential buildings until the arrival of aid from Next Generation European Funds.
The Spanish Government's commitment to property renovation and urban regeneration is ambitious, since this will the second largest target for the European Funds. These 6.820 billion euros can fund between 40% and 80% of the total renovation work, depending on energy savings.

Bankinter Consumer Finance, Línea Directa and VASS partner up to create a used-vehicle sales platform
This partnership has created "CarnRoll", a new innovative digital platform for buying second-hand cars and accessing financing and insurance at competitive rates at the same time.CarnRoll has a 'stock' of used cars, featuring leading brands and models, which have all been checked through more than 100 screening points. Customers can reserve their vehicle free of charge on this platform and then have it delivered to their home. All vehicles will come under a one-year warranty.
Users can access quick and easy financing on their vehicle, with a nominal interest rate (NIR) starting from 4.45% and an annual equivalent rate (AER) of 4.54%, without changing banks and with no set-up fee, as part of a fully online
Through the platform, customers can request and receive a fully tailored car-insurance quote starting from 299 euros per year, pay monthly instalments and access specific types of cover, such as free choice of garage, 24-hour travel assistance, replacement car, vehicle MOT transfer service and cover for pets travelling in the car.

Bankinter Investment and Valfondo successfully closed the capital increase of the Montepino logistics portfolio for €250 million
The Investment Banking area, called Bankinter Investment, and Valfondo Management, manager of Montepino's logistics portfolio, are finalising a process aimed at continuing to promote the growth strategy introduced for the Montepino portfolio.
Throughout 2022, an investment of more than €300 million is planned to promote more than 350,000 m2 of GLA.
This process means Montepino's capital can be increased (reaching approximately €900 million) and more than 22 million new shares can be issued, which make up all the new shares offered in this operation.
The new shares have been subscribed at a unit value of €10.95, which equates to a revaluation of 9.5% compared to the value of the shares at the time the portfolio was acquired in May 2021.
Valfondo, since signing an agreement with Bankinter Investment for the acquisition of Montepino's logistics portfolio in May 2021, has managed - through Montepino - investments worth more than €100 million and has managed to make Montepino's asset portfolio appreciate by more than 6%.

Bankinter Investment, Sonae Sierra and a group of investment clients of Bankinter have acquired the iconic Atrium Saldanha building in Lisbon.
- The selling group, Grupo Fibeira (Armando Martins), will hold a 20% stake in the new Portuguese real estate investment and management company (SIGI).
Bankinter Seguros Generales empieza a operar en enero de 2013.
La entidad creada conjuntamente entre Mapfre y Bankinter distribuirá productos para empresas y particulares.

Bankinter is supporting the Fundació Princesa de Girona with its 'Talent Tour', which aims to attract young talent
The bank has partnered with the Fundació Princesa de Girona (FPdGi) for the starting leg of the tour in Malaga, which is running until tomorrow, 10 March.
Bankinter supports the aims of this FPdGI initiative, which looks to provide young people with opportunities for professional and personal growth through different activities.
The bank is a member of the Fundació Princesa de Girona board of trustees, represented by its chief executive officer, María Dolores Dancausa.

Bankinter apoya al Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza en su primer ‘glosario’ de términos artísticos para las personas sordas
- ‘Thyssen en signos’ busca acercar aún más el conocimiento sobre la pintura y los principales maestros de esta disciplina artística y el propio museo a este colectivo.

Bankinter embraces AI by implementing Microsoft 365 Copilot into different areas across the Bank to explore how it can improve efficiency
The Bank has been working for about a year on a pilot project that integrates this generative AI assistant into internal tasks related to the extraction and processing of data and information.Now, keen to explore how it can enhance efficiency in the workplace, the financial institution has decided to increase the number of employees who will be able to use the solution.
Bankinter signs bilateral agreements with five banking groups to offer its customers free debit withdrawals from cash machines
Bankinter customers will be able to make free cash withdrawals from the institution's own cash machines as well as from those belonging to the Banco Popular group, the Cajamar group, Laboral Kutxa, the Caja Rural group, and Deutsche Bank.
Together, the six companies have more than 8,000 cashpoints distributed throughout Spain, almost 20% of the total number.

Bankinter signs an agreement with Morgan Stanley to launch an international mixed fixed income fund
This is the first time the Bank has partnered with a global financial investment institution to design and manage an international fund.
The US bank will exclusively manage the 'Bankinter Flexible Bond' fund, which is now added to Bankinter asset management's' offer of own funds.

Bankinter firma un acuerdo con la Asociación Nacional de Productores de Energía Fotovoltaica (ANPIER) para financiar proyectos fotovoltaicos con hasta 100 millones de euros
El banco y la asociación buscan ayudar a las empresas en el desarrollo de iniciativas ligadas a la transición ecológica.
Bankinter signs a partnership agreement with SECOT aimed at promoting the continuing contribution of senior talent to society
The programme forms part of the social dimension of Bankinter's Sustainability Plan 2021-2023.
The Bank has launched a dual initiative with SECOT consisting on the one hand of a volunteer programme for retired employees who want to continue putting their expertise to good use by contributing to different social actions outside the Bank.
The second aspect of the initiative is an offboarding process for professionals who are retiring and want to receive support on making a smooth transition and optimal adaptation to the new stage of life on which they are about to embark.
Bankinter inicia en Madrid la Gira 2013 con un espectáculo exclusivo de Sara Baras.
El espectáculo, que tendrá lugar mañana en el Teatro Real, forma parte de una gira de siete actuaciones en otras tantas ciudades españolas.
Una creación de Sara Baras, especialmente creada para esta gira en donde la artista gaditana hace un recorrido por los diferentes palos del flamenco.

Bankinter launches a credit facility of 15 million euros for entrepreneurial projects guaranteed by Afín SGR
- Bankinter and Afín SGR improve an agreement through which all self-employed individuals, micro-enterprises and SMEs that have an establishment or registered office in the Valencian region can benefit.
Bankinter se adhiere a la Red de Empresas 'másHumano', de la Fundación Mujer, Familia y Trabajo
En la firma del convenio han participado hoy el presidente del banco y la presidenta de la Fundación Mujer Familia y Trabajo
Bankinter apuesta por una gestión de personas basada en la igualdad de oportunidades y la responsabilidad social de género.