
Bankinter is one of the best banks in the world, according to a report by Forbes magazine
- The prestigious US publication ranks it the first Ibex 35-listed bank in its list of Spain's best financial institutions in Spain from a total of nine analysed.

Bankinter launches a new advertising campaign reaffirming its commitment to progress and its contribution as a bank to society
The campaign kicked off on Sunday, 7 May with a television spot entitled 'A Story of Progress', conveying Bankinter's commitment to its customers and to society.
Bankinter maintains its brand positioning as 'the bank that sees money the way you do', and uses music, carefully chosen images and catchy lyrics to communicate the bank's competitive advantages.

Bankinter launches support measures for customers and employees to mitigate the effects of the flash floods in Valencia
The Bank will offer three-month, extendable payment holidays on mortgages and consumer loans to families and corporates, in addition to financing backed by the new credit facility from the Official Credit Institute (ICO) for people affected by the flash floods.
Since last week, it has been facilitating free cash withdrawals from cashpoints in the affected areas, as well as solidarity accounts and Bizum transfers to channel donations to four NGOs from customers and other members of the public.
It will also give priority to affected customers in all its telephone banking operations and will advise on the processing of insurance claims for customers with policies brokered by Bankinter.
In addition, it will increase the Mutual Guarantee Society (SGR) credit facilities and make zero-cost financing available to affected employees to repair the material damage suffered.

Bankinter strengthens the service it provides to the elderly via its commercial networks
The bank is launching a preferential service for over-65s for Telephone Banking, a service it already provides in-branch.
The entity has been providing personal service without any prior appointment throughout its branch network for years, with unrestricted cashier service hours from 8:30 to 14:00.
Over recent years, the Group has kept the same number of branches in its commercial network and has increased its workforce every year.
Bankinter is highlighting its face-to-face service through an action with advertising impact at Puerta del Sol.