Indexes and rankings

Dow Jones Sustainability Index
Listing on one of the most prestigious sustainability indices in the world, the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, which recognises the companies with the best corporate governance and social and environmental management.
The inclusion of Bankiter in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index represents international recognition of the efforts that the Bank has been making in recent years in its sustainability strategy.

Bankinter's inclusion on the FSTE4GoodIBEX and the FTSE4GooD since they were launched in 2002.

Carbon Disclosure Project
Member of the Carbon Disclosure Project since it was launched in Spain.
CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts.

Sustainability Year Book
2023, Bankinter was recognized in the Sustainable Yearbook, being part of the top 10% of banks globally that excel in sustainability management. A total of 30 Spanish companies are featured in 'The Sustainability Yearbook 2023,' published by S&P Global in collaboration with Robeco SAM. This recognition is based on the assessment of the world's largest companies in the annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) conducted by SAM. In this edition, there are 708 companies from 61 sectors, carefully selected from a pool of 7,800 companies.

MSCI ESG Ratings
MSCI ESG Ratings is a rating and scoring system that assesses the management of environmental, social, and governance factors in publicly traded companies. MSCI, short for Morgan Stanley Capital International, is a prominent company in the financial services industry, offering a comprehensive range of indices, data, and analysis for investors and asset managers.