Bankinter abre el ejercicio 2009 reafirmando la solidez de sus resultados y con el ratio de mora más bajo del sistema.
El beneficio neto del trimestre, de 69,31 millones de euros, apenas se reduce un 5,90% en comparación con el del primer trimestre de 2008
El ratio de morosidad del banco se sitúa en el 1,73% y en el 0,90% en mora hipotecaria residencial
Los márgenes muestran un aceptable comportamiento, destacando el margen de intereses, que crece un 19,37%
Bankinter abre el ejercicio 2010 con un beneficio neto en el primer trimestre de 65,84 millones de euros y con el ratio de mora más bajo del sistema.
El beneficio neto es un 5,01% menor que el presentado a 31 de marzo de 2009, si bien el resultado antes de dotaciones (139,7 millones de euros) decrece apenas un 0,9%
Entre los márgenes de la cuenta de resultados destaca el margen bruto, que se incrementa un 13,80% con respecto al primer trimestre de 2009
La privilegiada calidad de activos del banco se evidencia en un ratio de mora del 2,56%, menos de la mitad que la media del sector

Bankinter earns 403.6 million euros in net profits, a 7.3% increase, and maintains steady growth in the year
Earnings show growth in all margins. Gross operating income grew by 7.5% to 1,472.2 million euros, mainly from its customer businesses.
Both customer lending (+4.8%) and customer funds (+10.7%) outperformed the sector.
The bank’s profitability (RoE, 13%) and NPL (2.92%) ratios continue to stand out, and its capital adequacy has improved, with a CET1 fully-loaded capital ratio of 11.7%.

In 2017, Bankinter set a new record with profits of 495 million euros, exceeding last year’s figures
The Group offset 2016 earnings, which included extraordinary results due to the acquisition of Barclays Portugal, with its core customer business.
Without these extraordinary results, net profit in Spain increased by 20.2% with respect to last year.
Bankinter’s loan book grew by 3.8%, despite sectoral trends; and customer retail funds increased by 5.2%, above the sectoral average.
Bankinter achieved a 12.6% RoE at the end of the year, leading listed banks in terms of profitability.

Bankinter achieved a record recurring profit of €845 million euros in 2023, up 51% versus 2022, with the best figures on record in all the businesses and countries it operates in
- The bank has consolidated a year of strong growth in all income statements, with a gross operating income (which covers all income) which reached €2,661 million, up 28%, thanks to the favourable evolution of rates and a boost in commercial activities.
- The bank's balance sheet shows growth in all headings: lending (+4%), retail funds (+9%) and off-balance-sheet managed funds (investment and pension funds and wealth management/SICAVs) which grew by 18%.
- Return on equity, RoE, improved to 17.1%, the highest level seen in the last decade, with a ROTE of 18.1%. Cost-to-income ratio reached 37.3%.

Bankinter earns 261.2 million euros in half-year net profit, an 8.4% increase with growth in all of its business lines
Its gross operating income grew by 8.5% to 977.3 million euros, owing almost entirely to its customer business.
Loans and receivables have grown by 5%, bucking the sector trend; with retail customer funds advancing 7.1%, which is above the industry average.
Overall indicators of profitability (13% RoE), capital adequacy (11.55% CET1 fully-loaded) and non-performing loans (2.92%) speak to the bank’s robustness.

Bankinter achieved a net profit of 185 million euros in the first quarter, an increase of 20%, with strong growth in all its margins
Margins have grown greatly, boosted by the hike in interest rates, higher business volumes and commercial activity geared more towards investment products: interest margin: +63.2%; gross operating income: +23.3%; and pre-provision operating profit +35.8%.
Customer lendings have grown 5%, faster than the industry average.
Return on equity (RoE) is at 13.7%, a high for recent years, with a ROTE of 14.5%.

Bankinter achieved a net profit of 200.8 million euros in the first quarter, an increase of 8.7%, with solid growth in all its lines of business and all countries
Return on equity (RoE) consolidated at 17.4%, while RoTE was 18.4%. The efficiency ratio improved to 35.3% and the CET1 fully-loaded capital ratio increased to 12.5%, 466 basis points above the minimum required of Bankinter by the ECB..
The bank's balance sheet shows growth that outpaces the sector: lending (+5%), retail funds (+6%) and off-balance-sheet managed funds (investment and pension funds and wealth management/SICAVs) which grew by 18.2%..
Bankinter shows strength in all account margins: net interest income grew by 10.6%; gross income, which groups all revenues, by 6.9%; and operating income before provisions by 7.6%.

Bankinter achieves a record-breaking profit of 376 million euros, an increase of 36.3%, in the year of its 50th anniversary
The return on invested capital is the highest in the sector at the close of the year, with an ROE of 10.9%.
Bankinter maintains a solid CET1 fully loaded capital ratio of 11.6%, among the highest in banking and well above regulatory demands.
Recurring business with customers is still the major contributor to income, with remarkable growth in key sectors such as private banking, corporate banking and consumer financing.

Bankinter achieved a pre-crisis level of results with a net profit of €276 million, up 45.3%.
The best results returned by the bank in the last seven years, with sound growth in every margin thanks to the typical client-banking business.
The bank has doubled its profitability in only two years, achieving a ROE of 8.3%, one of the highest in the Spanish financial sector.
Bankinter ends the year as one of the most solvent banks in Europe, with a capital ratio under
Bankinter cierra 2008 mejorando los resultados del ejercicio anterior y con el ratio de mora más bajo de la banca europea.
El beneficio neto del ejercicio, excluyendo extraordinarios de 2007 y 2008, es un 1,6% superior al obtenido el pasado año
El banco mantiene en crecimiento su habitual actividad prestataria, con un alza del 6,82% en los créditos sobre clientes
Los márgenes muestran crecimientos notables: margen de intermediación (+15,84%), margen ordinario (+11,15%) y de explotación (+25,23%)
Bankinter cierra 2009 con un beneficio neto de 254,4 millones, que mejora el del año anterior, y con el ratio de mora más bajo del sistema.
El beneficio neto a cierre de 2009 es un 0,84% superior al obtenido el pasado año. El Banco anticipa provisiones voluntarias por 88,3 millones de euros
Los márgenes de la cuenta de resultados aumentan notablemente: margen de intereses (+17,70%) y margen bruto (+18,18%)
El importe de los tres primeros dividendos pagados a cuenta de 2009 se incrementa un 18% con respecto a 2008

Bankinter cierra 2011 con un beneficio neto de 181,2 millones, un 20,2% más que el año anterior.
El banco refuerza su solvencia, con un 9,36% de capital principal, y sin problemas para afrontar los vencimientos de financiación mayorista a medio y largo plazo.
Un año más, Bankinter mantiene el índice de morosidad más reducido del sector, el 3,2%, y elevadas coberturas en los activos problemáticos.

Bankinter cierra 2012 con un beneficio neto de 124,6 millones y un fuerte crecimiento en todos los márgenes de la cuenta de resultados
El margen antes de provisiones (total de ingresos menos gastos) crece un 32,43% respecto al de 2011. Su fortaleza ha permitido absorber con holgura los saneamientos requeridos por los dos RDL’s de reestructuración bancaria.
El banco realiza durante el año una gestión activa de refuerzo de su solvencia y sitúa el ratio de capital EBA al cierre del ejercicio en el 10,22%.
La privilegiada calidad de activos del banco se evidencia en un ratio de morosidad del 4,28%, casi un tercio que la media del sector.

Bankinter closes 2016 with the best performing bank share on the IBEX35 for the fourth consecutive year
In 2016, Bankinter’s share price rose 12.5%, reaching a yield of 16% including dividends.

Bankinter closes 2024 with record profit of 953 million euros, up 13% on 2023, thanks to increased commercial activity and diversification of the business
The bank shows improvements across all account margins. Gross income, which includes all revenues, increases by 9.1%, with a growing contribution from the businesses in Portugal and Ireland.
Outperforming the market in all businesses. Lending is up 4%, customer funds under management climb 13% and off-balance sheet funds (mutual and pension funds and asset management/SICAVs) grow 22%.
Bankinter increases its return on equity (ROE) to 17.9% and maintains its leadership in cost-to-income, with its ratio improving to 36.3%.

Bankinter ends first quarter with profit of 130.3 million euros, improving margins and increasing customer lending and deposits
Bankinter Group’s net profits fall by 10.1% owing to increased provisioning to prevent business downturn in the wake of the coronavirus crisis.
All account margins are steadily increasing. Gross operating income totalled 436.3 million euros (+8.2%), contributed entirely from the customer business.
Bankinter is rolling out a vast array of initiatives to mitigate the financial impact of the current pandemic on some of its customers.

Bankinter ends the first quarter with a net profit of 145 million euros, up 1.4%, with growth in all business lines
Strong growth in customer funds (+10%) and loan book (+5%), outperforming the sector average in Spain.
The CET1 fully-loaded ratio stood at 11.80%, 360 basis points above the European Central Bank’s minimum requirement for the bank this year.
Bankinter continues to lead its peers in profitability (12% RoE) and non-performing assets (2.87% NPL ratio).