Milestones in Bankinter's history
Bankinter was founded in June 1965 as a Spanish industrial bank through a joint venture by Banco de Santander and Bank of America. It was listed on the Madrid stock exchange in 1972, at which time the bank became fully independent of its founders and transformed itself into a commercial bank.
Bankinter's history is marked by a history of growth over the years, based on making the most of regulatory changes, special situations and new market niches.
Principales hitos de Bankinter
1965Creation of Bankinter as an Industrial bank.
1972Stock market flotation, symbolised by the ringing of the bell.
1987Launch of the "Special Deposit".
1992Creation of telephone banking.
1993Banca Parnet and the agency network.
A rigorous risk school with a proven track record.
1996First online bank.
Pioneers in mobile banking.
2004Bankinter Innovation Foundation.
A bank for all, pioneers in financial accessibility.
2009Acquisition of 100% of Línea Directa.
2010Best Bank in Spain, according to The Banker.
2015Expansion to Portugal by acquiring Barclays' branch network.
2017Popcoin, the first bank to launch a robo-advisor.
2018Inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index at the European and global levels.
2019Bankinter buys Evo Banco and Avantcard.
2019Launch of Bankinter Investment.
2021Línea Directa goes public.Bankinter recognized as the most efficient listed bank in Spain.2024We grow with you.
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An overview of our history, by Dolores Dancausa, chief executive officer of Bankinter.
This year we celebrate 50 years of Bankinter, something to be pleased with and to reflect on. We have got this far on our own and are growing customer by customer, relying on innovation... in short, doing things differently.

Our first 50 years
Dreams do not have birthdays, but they do come true. We dream of being a bank that stands out, of innovating; we dream of celebrating many years together and that is why we are celebrating our first 50.

Bankinter is celebrating its 50 years in several Spanish cities.
Much like a birthday party, Bankinter is sharing the successes of the bank over these 50 years with its customers. Valladolid, Madrid, Bilbao, Badajoz, Castellón and Soria are some of the cities where the candles have been blown out and this initiative has been taken.
Institutional presentation
A bank that thinks differently
Bankinter's history is characterised by growth over the years.