Bankinter Consumer Finance y la Universidad Pontificia Comillas comunican los ganadores de la IV Edición de los Premios de Investigación en Ética Empresarial
Doña Francisca Castilla-Polo y doña María Isabel Sánchez-Hernández han sido las ganadoras de la IV edición de los Premios de Investigación en Ética Empresarial por su trabajo “Antecedents and Consequences of the International Orientation of Spanish Agrifood Cooperatives With Awareness of the Circular Economy”.
Se trata de un premio que, a punto de cumplir un lustro, se consolida con casi 200 investigaciones presentadas por autores internacionales.

Bankinter Investment coordinates the first promissory note programme with a green financing framework for a Spanish company, for an amount of 100 million euros
Bankinter Investment, Bankinter's investment banking area, acts as lead arranger, dealer and agent bank for this significant programme registered on the alternative fixed income market (MARF) by the listed company Grenergy Renovables.
The bank already coordinated the first green bond programme registered on MARF two years ago, also with Grenergy Renovables.
This operation is one of many demonstrating Bankinter's commitment to sustainability, which is one of the bank's strategic priorities.

Bankinter to pay a gross dividend of 0.13 euros per share on 1 October next
The bank is to resume its traditional shareholder remuneration policy once the ECB’s recommendation on dividends comes to an end.
It will be the first interim payment against recurring earnings for the first half of 2021 and will be paid entirely in cash.

Bankinter crea un ‘rating’ climático para sus empresas clientes con el fin de apoyar la transición a una economía menos emisora
El banco lanza un indicador de vulnerabilidad climática, alineado con las líneas maestras que ha anticipado el BCE.
Este 'rating' permitirá a Bankinter aumentar su financiación a empresas y proyectos sostenibles, un fin con el que busca ayudar a la transformación hacia un modelo económico bajo en emisiones de carbono.
La entidad comunicará en sus reuniones con sus clientes las oportunidades de financiación para proyectos más sostenibles, así como los posibles riesgos.

Bankinter launches Capital Advisor, Spain's first 100% digital investment advisory service
The bank is innovating with the first fully 'online' advisor, and with it seeks to lead the technological transformation of the digital financial industry with a new type of service.
Capital Advisor allows customers to create and manage their own fund portfolios and receive constant advice, with the option of accessing a comparative analysis of the funds they hold in other entities.
The investor simply selects an investment objective, defines how much to invest and configures the portfolio after viewing the recommendations proposed by Bankinter, always having the last word on how and where to invest their money.
The new service digitises the entire advisory process from beginning to end, it is free and is only available to Bankinter customers.

Bankinter lanza una nueva acción de ‘gaming’ para formar en inversión bursátil a través del “V Game of Traders”
El banco pone a disposición de los jóvenes este juego con el que pueden aprender a invertir en renta variable con la plataforma del Bróker Bankinter.

Bankinter to launch a fund in October that seeks to protect 95% of capital and provide an alternative investment to the money market
The bank is set to expand its range of funds by launching the new Top Protección fund, which offers among the highest capital protection available in the market and will be sold exclusively through its commercial branch network.
It is aimed at investors with a conservative risk profile who are looking to preserve their capital while at the same time earn a higher potential return without having to switch to a riskier profile.
Investors will be exposed to the performance of a basket of funds picked by Carmignac, an independent European fund manager with over 30 years of experience in the market.

Bankinter reports a profit of 1,250.6 million euros, which includes the capital gain generated from the Línea Directa spin-off and exceeds pre-pandemic levels in terms of revenues
Recurring profit, without including the capital gain from the Línea Directa spin-off, stands at 355 million euros, up 61.3% on the third quarter of 2020, with growth across all headings of the income statement.
Increased commercial activity at the Bank results in growth of 10.4% in retail funds, 24.1% in asset management and 4.3% in lendings.
Return on equity (RoE), excluding the capital gain from Línea Directa, is 9.4%, while the CET1 fully-loaded capital ratio is 12.3%.

Bankinter is organising the annual edition of its Stock Market Forum in an online format which will be open to all investors
Different experts from the bank will offer their views on the markets and investment possibilities in the current environment, and will discuss the latest tools to get started with equities.
Appearing as a special guest, the economist Fernando Trías de Bes will reveal some of the main tips from his latest books, including: “The Nash solution: Economic reactivation after Covid-19”

Bankinter se adhiere al Código de Buenas Prácticas para ayudar a las empresas a renegociar sus préstamos avalados por el ICO
El objetivo del banco es apoyar a las compañías a reforzar su solvencia, mermada por el efecto de la pandemia, con el fin de contribuir a una recuperación más rápida.
CEOE and Bankinter sign agreement to give companies and the self-employed access to the largest information hub on contracts and public aid
The service includes information on tenders and calls for public funding, ordinary European funds, Next Generation funds and Government budgets.

Bankinter y Logalty firman un acuerdo para ofrecer servicios de firma digital y comunicaciones electrónicas a las empresas del banco
Una propuesta de alto valor para que las pymes clientes del banco puedan acelerar su evolución digital con todas las garantías legales.
Bankinter pone a disposición de sus clientes empresas la plataforma digital Logalnet de Logalty, con las mejores condiciones del mercado.

The Chairman of Bankinter has confirmed the bank's membership of the Net Zero Banking Alliance, the alliance sponsored by the United Nations
By doing so, Pedro Guerrero has reaffirmed Bankinter's commitment to acting against the effects of climate change.
The objective is to achieve zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, both in terms of the direct impact of the bank's activity and in activities linked to its financing and investment portfolios.