Bankinter proposes Rosa María García to the Shareholders' Meeting as new Director
On the recommendation of the Appointments and Corporate Governance Committee, the Bankinter Board of Directors decided in its meeting today to submit the appointment of Rosa María García García as external Independent Bank Director to the next General Shareholders' Meeting for approval.
Bankinter propondrá a la Junta de Accionistas una ampliación de capital sin dilución que le permitirá elevar su ratio EBA al 10,61%
El aumento de capital, por importe de 94 millones de euros, se realizará mediante la emisión de acciones liberadas con cargo íntegramente a la reserva de revalorización de activos.
Con esta operación, los accionistas recibirán gratuitamente cinco acciones nuevas del banco por cada nueve antiguas.
Bankinter to propose taking Línea Directa public and distributing share premium to shareholders as shares of the company
The share premium amounts to 1.184 billion euros. This would equal a current reasonable estimated market value of 82.6% of Línea Directa’s share capital, which will be distributed to the bank’s shareholders.
Once the deal is final, Bankinter shareholders will also become shareholders of Línea Directa, which will become an independent, publicly-traded insurer.
The goal is to split the direct insurance business from the banking business for each company to implement their own strategies independently in the future.
Bankinter propone a la Junta General de Accionistas designar una nueva consejera que elevará el peso de vocales mujeres del 36,4% al 45,5%
La candidata es Cristina García-Peri, quien será vocal independiente cuando lo refrende la Junta General de Accionistas el próximo 21 de abril.
Bankinter receives the Proxinvest Corporate Governance Award for the best Annual General Meeting of 2020
An independent jury picked this year's winner after analysing close on 500 AGMs by European companies, highlighting the Bank's remuneration policy and transparent metrics.
The jury also highlighted the diversity of Bankinter's Board of Directors and its female chief executive officer, as well as the quality of its non-financial information, which it described as 'one of the best on the Ibex'.
Bankinter recommends shareholders vote via proxy or remotely in the Annual General Meeting due to coronavirus precautions
The bank tells shareholders they may use existing telematic channels to vote.
The bank adopts new measures to prevent risks to employees’ health.
The Chairman of Bankinter highlights a 36% increase in dividend with respect to last year to the Shareholders Committee
The pay-out of the company is situated at 50% and is distributed entirely in cash as part of a prudent policy that enables the regulatory criteria to be comfortably fulfilled
The CEO of the bank foresees a more efficient and more profitable bank for 2016, that is bigger in size, and also points to the acquisition of the business of Barclays in Portugal as key for the success to continue.
Bankinter's Chairman stresses at the AGM that the bank will surpass its pre-pandemic profit levels after the spin-off of Línea Directa
Bankinter's board of directors, in a meeting held prior to the Annual General Meeting, confirms the date of 29 April for the stock market flotation of Línea Directa.
Pedro Guerrero says the bank aims to
In AGM, Bankinter chairman praises recurrent profits and future sustainability
Pedro Guerrero expects the growth potential of Bankinter’s share to be realised throughout 2019 and in the coming years.
Chief executive officer María Dolores Dancausa expressed her confidence in this fiscal year, pointing out that the bank’s strengths overcome the challenges facing the industry.
In the Annual General Meeting, shareholders approved the appointment of two new independent directors, Álvaro Álvarez-Alonso and María Luisa Jordá, and set the number of board members at 12 with 33% being women directors.
Bankinter’s Chairman announces at the Annual General Meeting that the bank will distribute 200 million euros in dividends
Pedro Guerrero highlighted the 6.4% increase in the amount to be received by shareholders against 2016 earnings, with a final dividend approved today
The Chief Executive Officer emphasised that Bankinter is carrying out a significant investment plan to underpin digitalisation
The chairman of Bankinter describes 2017 as an exceptional year paving the way for future growth
Pedro Guerrero stressed the bank’s increasing market share in all segments, including retail and commercial banking and corporate banking.
Chief executive officer, María Dolores Dancausa, emphasised Bankinter Group’s strengths, which include having the best performing share price amongst listed Spanish banks, the lowest non-performing loan ratio, a high capital adequacy level and a positive starting point for overcome challenges in the financial system.
At the annual general meeting, Bankinter's chairman highlighted the strength and diversification of the Bank's business model as the keys to 2022's positive results
Pedro Guerrero stressed that the Bank is gaining market share thanks to its commercial actions in the businesses it considers relevant. He added that the Bank's capacity for innovation 'plays a crucial role in the process of adapting to changing times'.
Bankinter's chairman also pointed out during his speech that the 'financial events' of recent days 'are completely alien to the functioning of Spanish banks and of Bankinter', while highlighting the Bank's strength.
Bankinter's CEO, María Dolores Dancausa, highlighted that in 2022 the Bank has managed to achieve one year ahead of schedule the profit target set for 2023, obtaining a profit of 560 million euros, 28% more year-on-year.
The CEO also emphasised Bankinter's strengths in terms of liquidity, solvency and profitability, and recalled that it is the most resilient bank in Spain and the third most resilient in the Eurozone, according to the EBA's latest stress testsDuring the meeting, the Chairman of Bankinter highlighted that the bank's business model makes it very resistant to the vicissitudes of the economic cycle
The CEO, María Dolores Dancausa, ratified before the shareholders the strategic commitment to reach a net profit of 550 million euros in 2023, without extraordinary items and without Línea Directa in the bank's scope.
Pedro Guerrero pointed out that for Bankinter " Sustainability is a strategic factor that has transversally permeated our activity for years."
The Chief Executive Officer of Bankinter foresees a highly positive 2015 during which the bank will continue to improve in terms of efficiency and size.
Dancausa pointed out that Bankinter has been operating for more than 50 years now, despite an array of ups and downs, and has been an example of leadership, adaptation, efficient use of technology and innovation capacity.
The Chairman of Bankinter, Pedro Guerrero, highlighted the fact that payments to shareholders are up 152% on 2013.
La consejera delegada de Bankinter confía en mantener la tendencia de crecimiento en los resultados del banco.
Dancausa augura un 2014 que, de nuevo, será `normal´ para Bankinter, lo que significa incremento de los ingresos y una mayor distribución de dividendos.
Teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos en España en 2013 por la gran banca, Bankinter se sitúa como el tercer banco por beneficio antes de impuestos.
La consejera delegada de Bankinter promete impulsar una política de fortalecimiento del banco desde la independencia.
Dancausa señaló que Bankinter podrá cumplir en uno o dos trimestres con las nuevas exigencias de provisiones del Real Decreto Ley sobre la reforma del sector.
La solución a los problemas del sector no pasa por la creación de grandes bancos, sino por recuperar valores como la honestidad o la buena práctica bancaria.
Pedro Guerrero confirma en la Junta que 2009 fue el mejor año en la historia de Bankinter y que el banco es la entidad mejor posicionada en el actual entorno.
Señaló el crecimiento orgánico como el camino natural de Bankinter, pero sin descartar posibles oportunidades de compra que se puedan presentar
El Presidente de Bankinter resaltó el éxito de la ampliación de capital llevada a cabo para la adquisición de LDA, a la que alabó por las grandes sinergias y oportunidades de negocio que ofrece al banco
Pedro Guerrero reafirma en la Junta que Bankinter es la entidad financiera mejor posicionada en este entorno de crisis.
Para el presidente de Bankinter esta posición de privilegio permitirá al banco afrontar la crisis como una oportunidad, saliendo fortalecido de ella
Guerrero resaltó la oportunidad que supone la operación para ejercer el derecho preferente de compra sobre el 50% de LDA, anunciada hace unos días por el banco