Bankinter advances payment to all its vendors in up to 15 days in order to minimise any financial impact they suffer due to coronavirus
The bank has already adapted its procedure so that all businesses and professionals providing products and services can collect early, reducing its average payment period by 25%.

Bankinter will pay unemployment benefits early, on 4 May, as part of its shock plan to mitigate the impact of COVID-19
The bank will pay this subsidy as well as state temporary redundancy assistance one week early.

Bankinter to pay customers’ pensions early to help mitigate the impact of coronavirus on families’ finances
The bank is immediately initiating processes to pay pensions tomorrow, 25 March, five days before the regular pay date.
Bankinter is taking new measures to help certain companies, such as grace periods on loans and reverse factoring post-financing, as well as grace periods and term extensions on leases to SMEs and sole traders.

Bankinter to advance customers’ pension payments by another four days
The bank will move the date of customers’ pension payments forward again, to 21 April.

Bankinter will pay unemployment benefits a week early as part of its shock plan to mitigate the impact of COVID-19
The bank will make early payment of this subsidy tomorrow, 3 April, to give liquidity to customers who receive it.

Bankinter pays temporarily furloughed workers their unemployment benefits early
The bank is advancing payment as a loan at 0% interest, without fees or costs and settled once the SEPE pays out the benefit.
The bank will also continue to pay all customers their pensions on the 21st, four days ahead of regular pay dates.

Bankinter crea “El villancico más terco del mundo” para felicitar la Navidad de 2020
El banco lanza esta canción navideña, interpretada por ELE, con la que busca transmitir a la sociedad un mensaje de confianza, de superación y de optimismo para 2021.
El villancico, que se ideó como felicitación para empleados y clientes, se viraliza y acumula más de 300.000 visualizaciones en You Tube.

Bankinter is helping customers access all its measures to reduce the impact of coronavirus
The bank is launching an advertisement campaign through April to spread awareness and give customers, vendors and employees access to propositions in its shock plan.
In an open letter, chief executive officer María Dolores Dancausa makes a set of pledges toward the bank's several stakeholders, such as preserving the jobs of all employees.

Bankinter has extended loans to 12,250 companies and sole traders with ICO Line
The bank has provided 2.8 billion euros in liquidity mostly to SMEs in over five weeks.

Bankinter activates procedure for consumer credit moratorium enacted by Royal Decree, in addition to pension plan withdrawals for customers affected by the crisis
The consumer credit moratorium provides for a payment holiday on principal and interest payments in addition to a loan term extension for three months.
Affected customers can withdraw an amount similar to lost salary or net income from their pension plans throughout the crisis.

Bankinter implements a set of new measures to support customers in the coronavirus situation
This special course of action includes credit facilities to mitigate the financial burden on affected customers and help them reinforce their finances in view of the impact of the current situation.
Measures are aimed at companies, SMEs and sole traders in industries affected by the coronavirus situation, in addition to particularly vulnerable retail customers.

Bankinter releases moving ad campaign to present special measures in the current situation
The new campaign, released mainly for television, adds to the bank’s print and online campaigns launched on 1 March.
With a moving message and catchy music, the bank aims to convey measures taken to mitigate the impact of coronavirus as well as its fortitude in the current situation.

Bankinter will maintain Salary Account advantages for those whose income falls below the required minimum due to the impact of coronavirus
The bank is relaxing requirements for current holders of the Salary Account and Business Account whose income has decreased due to this crisis and cannot deposit the required monthly minimum of 1,000 euros.
The purpose of these measures is to allow customers with this account to continue to enjoy its distinctive advantages.

Bankinter multiplies special announcements and actions for customers during coronavirus crisis
The bank’s has tripled its assistance with retail customers at branches and increased its contacts with corporate customers sixfold on average.
Since the start of this situation, the bank has doubled down on its advisory services regarding credit, investment and markets.

Bankinter will help finance SME’s receivables with the ICO Covid-19 Line and new European Investment Fund loans
The bank will finance receivables (‘factoring’) for SMEs and foreign currency loans, with state guarantees, to help their financial situation caused by the pandemic.
It will offer 162 million euros in new loans as part of the EIF-COVID-19 agreement, with special guarantees to provide small and medium enterprises with liquidity.

Bankinter offers a payment holiday on consumer loans, expanding on the moratorium in the emergency Royal Decree
The bank will offer financially vulnerable customers a payment holiday of up to four months on the principal of their consumer loans.

Bankinter will allow principal repayments on household mortgages that do not meet requirements in emergency decree to be deferred for up to four months
The bank approved this measure to help household liquidity in the current coronavirus situation and may extend it for up to 12 months in necessary cases.
The bank will grant this payment holiday to salaried employees who become unemployed, to those affected by a temporary redundancy schemes (in Spanish, ERTE), to any professionals, sole traders and employees in industries where operations have been halted due to extraordinary measures.

Bankinter recibe a propuesta de CESCE el premio de ASSET a la Excelencia Financiera por la calidad del apoyo financiero a las empresas
El área de Banca Internacional del banco ha sido distinguida con este galardón como mejor proyecto de financiación por la eficiencia y la rapidez con la que ha puesto a disposición de las empresas el 35% la línea específica para luchar contra los efectos económicos del COVID-19, respaldada por CESCE.

Bankinter adheres to the Code of Good Practices to help companies renegotiate their loans guaranteed by the ICO
The bank's goal is to support companies in strengthening their solvency, which has been eroded by the impact of the pandemic, in order to contribute to a faster recovery.

61% of potential investors are concerned about the impact of the pandemic on their retirement, according to a Bankinter survey
However, only 9% of medium-high net worth respondents have decided to change their retirement plans.
Nearly six out of ten respondents say their financial habits have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and more than half value the advantages of investing digitally, but with expert support.