The purpose of managing reputational risks consists in its identification and control in such a way as to reduce its likelihood and mitigate its potential impact and the Bank has various tools available to do this.
Since 2009, the Bank has used a system to diagnose and regularly measure its main stakeholders' perceptions and expectations. This system, based on the RepTrak® methodology, enables Bankinter to identify its key reputation drivers and actively influence those which most concern it.
One of the most important aspects in preventing reputational risks is to understand market and environment trends, and monitor what is being said about the Bank in the mass media and on social networks. Bankinter therefore has a comprehensive system for monitoring, analysing and assessing its reputational impact. .
In addition, the information obtained through these reports is used to identify a reputational risk map for prioritising these risks. These risks are prioritised based on two variables: the impact on the perception of its stakeholders and the probability of occurrence.
The Bank's products committee identifies and assesses potential reputational risks prior to launching a new product or service.
In accordance with the directives set by the European Banking Authority, this risk is monitored on a quarterly basis using a series of internal and external indicators with reputational impact.
Lastly, it merits mention that the Bank's corporate reputation department has developed a crisis management plan, for the purpose of establishing communication channels and action protocols for any emergency or crisis, in order to protect the Bank's reputation and ensure business continuity.
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