Banca Partnet is a network based on partnership agreements with large companies to develop customised financial products and services with them. The project enables the creation of virtual bank branches: that is, with no physical location, inside the company itself. The Bank provides the technology and knowledge, while the company promotes its services among employees, customers and suppliers. The profits from the common income statement are distributed between the two parties.
This innovative business model, which is practically unique in the market, will have been in existence for 25 years in 2018.
In 2017, Banca Partnet made further progress in carrying out its new strategic plan, the objective of which is to make the partner network more efficient, offer customers a better service and grow its contribution to the Bank's profits. The results for 2017, the first year of the plan, were as follows:
The projects for 2018 include strengthening the attraction of new customers, completing the transformation of technological resources and opening new branches in the sectors considered as strategic (consulting, auditing and large law firms, technology companies and pharmaceutical cooperatives), concentrating agreements on those companies with the greatest potential. The aim is, in short, to consolidate the initiatives started in 2017 and move towards an increasingly profitable business model. The Bank also proposes to open the first Banca Partnet branch in Portugal, together with Accenture, the Bank's main partner.
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