The Bankinter S.A. Annual Report is presented at this year's annual general meeting of shareholders and is available to all of the Company's shareholders. The information contained includes the period from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017, unless otherwise specified. The previous Report, referring to the year 2016, was published on February 22, 2017.
This document, coordinated by the External Communication area of the bank, was prepared with information collected from the different areas of the entity through interviews, questionnaires addressed to those responsible and requests for accurate information.
The Bankinter Annual Report has followed a process of pooling, review, correction and audit.
The sustainability information of the 2017 integrated annual report has been prepared in accordance with the international framework, G4 Global Reporting Initiative and all its principles. This information has been externally verified by independent firm PwC, which has also audited the financial statements.
In addition to the Annual Report, the bank publishes consolidated quarterly results in January, April, July and October. Both reports are available on the Bankinter Corporate Website.
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