Bankinter has a significant remote banking network, centred on managing, attending to and advising those customers who have begun their relationship with the Bank through the website or telephone banking. The remote network allows them to carry out transactions without going to branch offices, and they can also receive personalised service through different channels: telephone, e-mail or on the website, which offer long customer service hours.
The network platform has been developed and enhanced with the aim of improving the quality of service. After this vital objective, the next step is to direct its activity towards achieving commercial results, both through telephone banking and remote advisers, who are professionals that manage customers of the Bank's various remote networks and segments, offering them products and services that match their profile.
Within the framework of these objectives, in 2017 the remote network worked on improving personal banking advisory procedures in order to help customers do things like make direct payroll deposits or make changes to bill payments and adapt the Bank's guidelines to their life cycle. Other areas that received special treatment were the retention of company insurance policies and the monitoring of suppliers of customers in China and India by the team of international business specialists.
In addition, further communication was made with those people who carry out website simulations for mortgages or personal loans and more resources were made available for customer service through social networks.
The basic objective for 2018 is to focus on increasing the efficiency of the telephone platform, which is the remote network's main channel, with the aim of increasing its contribution to earnings. The Bank also plans to roll out a project, already outlined in 2017, to create a help centre for franchisees of corporate customers. The initiative enables service and support to be provided in such matters as registering customers, financing, installation of point-of-sale terminals and so on.
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