Bankinter is identifying which aspects of its activity have the biggest impact on the environment by setting up a dialogue management system with its stakeholders. The model is defined according to the guidelines set by the international framework for non-financial reporting, Global Reporting Initiative (G4). The main dialogue mechanisms used for this purpose are shown below.
The materiality survey carried out by the Bank to identify the most significant aspects of the organisation's economic, environmental and social impact, was updated in 2017 to include the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, as a focus of interest and action within its strategy.
This survey has improved the effectiveness of the dialogue channels with stakeholders and detailed the main priorities in accordance with two parameters: the importance and maturity of aspects related to the financial activity, and the importance assigned to it by the bank's main stakeholders (customers, employees, shareholders, sustainability analysts and ESG investors, social and sector opinion leaders, the media and society in general).
Bankinter plans its activities while taking into account these results, and also compares them with the internal analysis carried out by the areas of the Bank that are more directly involved in this process of active listening.
The result of this quantitative and qualitative analysis is the materiality matrix, which graphically organises factors of the Bank's business according to the two criteria referred to above.
As a member of the United Nations Global Compact Network Spain, the Bank has identified the Sustainable Development Goals to which it can make the greatest contribution, and, therefore, has incorporated those relating to Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8), Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10), and Climate Action (SGD 13) into its strategy.
The 2016-2020 Plan establishes 18 strategic lines of an economic, social and environmental nature.
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