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Data protection

Total guarantee for customers

Bankinter Group guarantees its customers personal data protection and confidentiality of information.

Data protection

All contracts obtain the consent of customers to process their data; they give details of the identity and address of the data controller, the purpose and the recipients of this data and offer the opportunity of objecting to the use and sharing of their data with other Group entities for commercial purposes.

The data protection clause notifies customers of the rights they have available to them in relation to access, correction, deletion and objection to processing and how to exercise these rights through quick and simple communication procedures, including telephone banking.


Bankinter guarantees that data is transmitted using suitable, reliable and secure channels, in the interest of integrity and confidentiality of the transactions carried out by customers. The security measures are reviewed on a regular basis, through audits on its own systems and on those of the Bank's providers who may have access to personal data.

To help ensure these commitments are met, there is a mandatory online training course for all Group employees. The Bank's services are immersed in a continuous process of strengthening and innovation in relation to the strict internal data protection measures concerning its customers' data.

At the close of 2017, the Bank had only received two sanctions from the Data Protection Agency for processing data without the consent of the owner, which involved fines totalling 46,000 euros.

The Bankinter Group is currently working to implement the new EU General Data Protection Regulation, which is due to enter into force on 25 May 2018.

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