Búsqueda rápida
Thousand Euros 31/12/2010 31/12/2011 31/12/2012 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2015 31/12/2016 31/12/2017
Balance sheet
Total assets 54.151.977 59.491.426 58.165.889 55.157.668 57.332.974 58.659.810 67.182.467 71.332.651
Credit facilities and loans 54.834.332 57.206.653 42.059.716 41.196.451 42.446.723 44.182.634 51.333.772 53.300.184
Total customer funds 41.771.225 42.605.299 44.328.144 51.026.079 55.449.392 65.317.531 75.411.758 79.376.226
On-balance sheet 43.252.263 43.855.555 36.472.343 39.051.212 38.605.393 44.314.476 51.869.456 52.788.690
Retail funding excl. repos 39.904.505 45.722.888 25.054.191 28.268.745 30.310.757 34.603.553 44.127.812 46.431.396
Marketable debt securities 6.943.722 7.332.540 10.715.325 8.905.516 7.609.976 8.920.997 6.923.396 5.750.215
Off-balance sheet managed funds 5.205.791 4.917.548 7.855.801 11.974.867 16.843.999 21.003.055 23.542.302 26.587.536
Net interest income 549.953 542.675 660.255 635.904 755.358 869.454 979.017 1.061.995
Gross operating income 1.102.323 1.104.480 1.254.041 1.339.001 1.448.823 1.568.815 1.717.389 1.851.316
Pre-provision profit 229.145 459.560 589.172 659.154 729.576 807.761 815.142 906.846
Profit before taxes 205.214 240.148 154.179 261.105 392.839 520.330 676.711 677.123
Net attributable income 150.730 181.227 124.654 189.901 275.887 375.920 490.109 495.207
Nonperforming loans/total risk exposure % 2,87 3,24 4,28 4,98 4,72 4,13 4,01 3,45
Recorded allowance/nonperforming loans % 66,43 51,86 48,31 42,04 42,68 41,99 49,23 44,53
Cost to income % 53,84 52,59 46,22 50,77 49,64 48,51 52,54 51,02
ROE % 5,90 6,24 3,98 5,93 8,31 10,91 13,48 12,64
ROA % 0,27 0,32 0,21 0,33 0,49 0,66 0,78 0,71
CET1 % 9,85 11,67 10,22 12,04 11,87 11,77 11,77 11,83
Bankinter share
Number of shares 473.447.732 476.919.014 563.806.141 895.583.800 898.866.154 898.866.154 898.866.154 898.866.154
Closing share price (€) 4,16 4,75 3,14 4,99 6,70 6,54 7,36 7,90
EPS (€) 0,32 0,38 0,24 0,24 0,31 0,42 0,54 0,54
DPS (€) 0,21 0,15 0,12 0,09 0,08 0,23 0,21 0,25
Branches and bussines units
Branches and business units 367 366 367 360 360 361 447 445
Other business units
Corporate banking 47 47 46 48 49 22 22 22
SMEs 89 81 76 75 78 78 73 72
Private Banking 61 59 38 36 39 48 49 48
Number of virtual branches 371 360 353 369 398 431 315 279
Number of agents 543 511 505 469 467 505 482 444
Telephone and internet branches 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Banking employees 4.543 4.210 4.068 4.088 4.185 4.405 5.486 5.578

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