Bankinter remains on Dow Jones Sustainability Index as one of the most sustainable banks in the world
It reflects international recognition of Bankinter’s work and outstanding management in social, environmental and corporate governance efforts.
The bank was added to the European index in 2017. In 2018, it was added to the worldwide index of most sustainable companies, where it remains today.
Bankinter was, once again, included on the list of companies quoted on the global Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). The news was posted at midnight (CET) by the investment company, RobecoSAM, which is charged with preparing this international sustainability index. This is the second year in a row that Bankinter has been added to this worldwide index as one of the most sustainable banks on the planet.
Pedro Guerrero, Bankinter chairman and chair of the bank’s sustainability committee, stated, ‘Continuing on this prestigious Dow Jones index is an honour for the bank’s staff, customers and shareholders, who appreciate the bank’s commitment to sustainability in recent years as part of our entire business strategy.’
Bankinter stands amongst the 25 most sustainable banks in the world, according to this stock index selection based on a study of 202 entities. According to the analysis carried out by the company, RobecoSAM, Bankinter is one of many companies and banks from across the globe that will be quoted on this commendable index, where it has been listed since 2018.
The most esteemed aspects of Bankinter’s management were the following: corporate governance, code of conduct, tax strategy, anti-money laundering, work practices, talent recruitment and retention, human resource development, environmental management and social action management.
For Bankinter, being included in this index is recognition of the work and efforts of its entire staff and their involvement in all the sustainable projects that the entity has launched with its global strategy.
Sustainability management has always been a priority at Bankinter. In January 2016, the bank’s board of directors approved the current 2016-2020 sustainability plan known as Tres en Raya (‘Three in a row'), which was also the name of its 2012-2015 sustainability plan. It consists of three central lines that have the same goal as the previous plan but new strategic lines and programmes. In this connection, the Tres en Raya plan aims to address three major ongoing crises: the economic crisis, due to a change in economic model brought on by the new macroeconomic situation; the social crisis, due to the change in demographics; and the environmental crisis in view of climate change.