
Foto fomación next gen para sala comunicación.jpg

Bankinter launches a training programme for the digitisation of companies, delivered by leading business schools

This initiative, known as “Digital Generation”, is part of the 'Next Generation EU' funds, with the subsidies going to the training establishments.

The bank will offer this training to company customers, free of charge, to help them make significant digital progress.

Bankinter offers the innovative Digital Generation” training programme to companies to help them in their digitalisation. It is working with leading business schools to run the programme.

This initiative is a way of accessing 'Next Generation EU' funds, which in this case cover the costs of the schools delivering the training.

The bank's programme is aimed at helping company customers with their digital transformations. These free training activities will be run through business schools throughout Spain.

The “SME Digital Generation” programme includes 140 hours of training. It is aimed in particular at SMEs with between ten and 249 employees that operate in the Spanish market and are committed to digital transformation. The programme features online and offline training, with the companies receiving specialist tutoring from a consultancy specialising in digital transformation. Each company can train up to two of its managers.

Bankinter believes this programme will be very beneficial for SMEs, helping them improve their productivity, training them to drive their digital transformation and, in particular, resulting in a Digital Transformation Plan. This is in addition to the benefits of networking in the training and learning from the experiences of other managers in the same sector and third parties. 

The distribution of schools involved, by autonomous communities, is attached.