
Foto NP Impacto bonos verdes para sala comunicacion v2.jpg

Bankinter avoids emissions equivalent to 177,000 tonnes of CO2 thanks to its green bonds

  • The methodology used to calculate environmental impact and the savings achieved was developed by an independent adviser (Ecodes) specialised in green economy.

  • With an allocation of 371 million euros, photovoltaic energy accounts for the largest share of renewable energy projects.
Bankinter managed to avoid the emission of the equivalent of 176,636 tonnes of CO2 last year. This is an estimate calculated on the basis of the positive environmental impact of the projects financed with the green bonds that the Bank issued, with a nominal value of 750 million euros, on 6 February 2020.

All of this is reflected in the latest Green Bond Annual Report, corresponding to 2023, which the Bank has published for the fourth consecutive year.

As in previous years, the methodology used by Bankinter to calculate environmental impact calculations was developed by an independent adviser (Ecodes), guaranteeing impartiality and the use of objective, rigorous and comparable sources. Deloitte acted as an independent verifier.

Ninety per cent (90%) of Bankinter's eligible green loan portfolio assets financed with the issuance of 750 million euros correspond to renewable energy projects, and the rest to financing for green buildings. All the projects are located in the European Union.

Of the 674 million euros corresponding to renewable energy projects, photovoltaic accounts for the largest share, with an allocation of 371 million euros or 55% of the total: solar thermal energy (179 million euros) represents 27%; and wind energy (124 million euros) represents 18% of the total. 

The green building financing portfolio has an allocation of 76 million euros.


The savings in emissions were calculated on the basis of generating 1,429.73 GWh of wind, photovoltaic and solar thermal energy through the renewable assets in which the bonds invest. In addition, the financing of green and efficient buildings helped to reduce energy consumption by 1,100 MWh/year.

Sustainability is a strategic policy for Bankinter, as demonstrated by its long history and firm commitment in this area. Last year the Bank successfully completed its 3D Sustainability Plan for the period 2021–2023, named after its focus on the three dimensions: environmental, social and governance.

This year Bankinter has launched a new and much more ambitious plan called ADN. The acronym refers to three concepts: Acción Responsable (Responsible Action) Diferenciación (Differentiation) and Negocio Sostenible (Sustainable Business). 

In recognition of its positive performance in sustainability, Bankinter was included for the sixth consecutive year in the global Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and for the seventh year in the European index. The Bank also earned recognition in 2023 from other sustainability indices and ESG rating agencies, such as the FTSE4Good, MSCI ESG, Bloomberg GEI and, more recently, by the selective IBEX ESG launched in 2022.