Partnership between Endesa, Bankinter and OHLA to facilitate energy-related renovation of buildings of homeowners' associations, with european funds
The agreement has been signed by Bankinter's chief executive officer, María Dolores Dancausa, the CEO of Endesa, José Bogas, and Jose Antonio Fernández Gallar, CEO of OHLA.
They have signed a partnership to develop a "turnkey" solution for property renovation with the aim of increasing energy efficiency in homes and facilitating access to the Next Generation European Funds.
Endesa X and OHLA will act as joint "Renovation Agent" and carry out feasibility studies to offer the homeowners' associations the optimal solution as regards energy installations, building with sustainability criteria, energy savings and financial aid. Bankinter will supply the necessary financing to complete the energy-related renovation of these residential buildings until the arrival of aid from Next Generation European Funds.
The Spanish Government's commitment to property renovation and urban regeneration is ambitious, since this will the second largest target for the European Funds. These 6.820 billion euros can fund between 40% and 80% of the total renovation work, depending on energy savings.
COINC Junior is launched, a Bankinter idea to promote saving among the littlest ones.
It foments and teaches saving practices to children, in a completely digital environment with a strong focus on social networks.
Bankinter celebra su I gala "Implicados y Solidarios"
Los ganadores del programa "Implicados y Solidarios", en el que se han presentados distintas fundaciones y ONG´s, destinarán los premios a proyectos sociales.
La iniciativa se ha llevado a cabo con el importe recaudado de las donaciones de la Visa Solidaria que comercializa la entidad.
Bankinter presents its “Adaptative” project at the National Hospital for Paraplegics in Toledo.
The Bank is making the most advanced technological rehabilitation and online training equipment available to patients of the hospital.
The launch ceremony was attended by the Bank's Chairman, Pedro Guerrero, and the President of Castile-La Mancha, María Dolores de Cospedal.
Bankinter Consumer Finance and Pontificia Comillas University hold the Seventh Business Ethics Awards
This year's winner is Esther Trujillo Giménez, creator of the PlanBet consultancy, for her work “Identity as a catalyst for ethics. A methodological proposal”.
Her winning entry addresses how to integrate ethics into the identity and daily operation of organisations. Her work is methodical and offers an applicable and replicable framework, making a significant contribution to the field of organisational ethics and sustainable management.
This award is becoming more established every year, which is reflected in the number of studies presented in its seven editions and the relevance of their subjects.
Bankinter Investment acts as sole arranger, placement agent and paying agent for the green bond programme that Canadian Solar EMEA has just registered with the MARF alternative fixed income market
Under this programme, the company will be able to issue bonds worth up to 100 million euros.
The bank, through its Investment Banking area, cements its status as a promoter of business financing with environmental criteria.
Bankinter Investment and Plenium Partners agree the first investment of the alternative investment vehicle Ecualia with REPETCO, a pioneering corporate in recycling multilayer PET plastics
Bankinter's Investment Banking subsidiary and Plenium Partners have reached an agreement with REPETCO to invest in a pioneering facility that recycles multilayer PET plastics, providing a solution to a previously unresolved problem through its proprietary clean, sustainable and profitable technology.
REPETCO will invest 55 million euros in its plant in Albacete that will come on stream at the end of the year, generating 200 direct and indirect jobs and with the capacity to recycle up to 100,000 tonnes of plastic per year.
Bankinter brings financial education to deaf people with the CNSE
The bank and the CNSE renew their agreement to promote the training and finance information accessible for this collective.
Bankinter advances payment to all its vendors in up to 15 days in order to minimise any financial impact they suffer due to coronavirus
The bank has already adapted its procedure so that all businesses and professionals providing products and services can collect early, reducing its average payment period by 25%.
Bankinter amplía su bosque plantando 13.750 árboles, uno por cada cliente adherido a la campaña de correo web.
La entidad materializa así el compromiso adquirido para potenciar entre sus clientes la correspondencia web frente al envío postal de información bancaria
Con esta iniciativa, el Banco se suma a la Campaña de Naciones Unidas "Billion Tree Campaign" para la plantación de millones de árboles en el planeta
Bankinter will analyse the current market situation at its annual Stock Market Forum, which will take place online and will be open to all investors
The event will be held on Thursday 20 October at the Madrid Stock Exchange building, will be open to the public to attend, and will be streamed online for all investors.
Different expertos from the bank will offer their views on stock-market developments and investment opportunities in the current environement, and will discuss the latest tools to get started with equities.
Bankinter will pay unemployment benefits early, on 4 May, as part of its shock plan to mitigate the impact of COVID-19
The bank will pay this subsidy as well as state temporary redundancy assistance one week early.
Bankinter to pay customers’ pensions early to help mitigate the impact of coronavirus on families’ finances
The bank is immediately initiating processes to pay pensions tomorrow, 25 March, five days before the regular pay date.
Bankinter is taking new measures to help certain companies, such as grace periods on loans and reverse factoring post-financing, as well as grace periods and term extensions on leases to SMEs and sole traders.
Bankinter to advance customers’ pension payments by another four days
The bank will move the date of customers’ pension payments forward again, to 21 April.
Bankinter will pay unemployment benefits a week early as part of its shock plan to mitigate the impact of COVID-19
The bank will make early payment of this subsidy tomorrow, 3 April, to give liquidity to customers who receive it.
Bankinter pays temporarily furloughed workers their unemployment benefits early
The bank is advancing payment as a loan at 0% interest, without fees or costs and settled once the SEPE pays out the benefit.
The bank will also continue to pay all customers their pensions on the 21st, four days ahead of regular pay dates.
Bankinter apoya al Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza en su primer ‘glosario’ de términos artísticos para las personas sordas
- ‘Thyssen en signos’ busca acercar aún más el conocimiento sobre la pintura y los principales maestros de esta disciplina artística y el propio museo a este colectivo.
Bankinter apoya la responsabilidad empresarial de las Pymes a través de la iniciativa “RSE-PYME” de Naciones Unidas
El objetivo de esta apuesta es facilitar la integración de criterios de sostenibilidad en el modelo de gestión de las empresas.
La entidad ofrece a Pymes clientes la posibilidad de aprovechar las ventajas competitivas que aporta de la gestión sostenible.
Bankinter bonifica en cuenta las aportaciones periódicas realizadas a productos de ahorro e inversión
La bonificación, que se realizará en efectivo en la cuenta del cliente, será del 5% el primer año y del 2% el segundo sobre el saldo acumulado neto de las nuevas aportaciones periódicas a fondos de inversión, planes de pensiones, PIAS y acciones.
La iniciativa se lanza dentro del proyecto ‘Bankinter en Familia’ y tiene como objetivo ayudar a los ahorradores a planificar su inversión a largo plazo, obteniendo paralelamente una rentabilidad en cuenta sobre el importe aportado.
Bankinter calcula la huella de carbono que ha dejado impresa su actividad entre el año 2007 y 2009
Con esta medición, Bankinter se convierte en la primera entidad financiera española en calcular su huella de carbono, conforme a la norma PAS 2050:2008
El Banco ha identificado sus focos de emisión de CO2e, lo que le ayudará a seguir desarrollando su estrategia de gestión de emisiones, que contempla su reducción y compensación parcial o total.