
Here you have information about how to contact Bankinter if you are an analist, journalist,shareholder, or if you need more information about products or how to operate. You may also send us your CV.
Financial analysts
You can request this information from Bankinter through any of the following channels:
You can request this information from Bankinter through any of the following channels:

  • 91 339 75 00 asking for Press department
    91 339 76 44 faxing the Press department

  • Paseo de la Castellana, 29. 28046, Madrid.

  • Using this form:
    Request information for journalists
You can request this information from Bankinter through any of the following channels:

  • 91 339 75 00 preguntando por Comunicación Externa
    91 339 83 23 Faxin the Shareholder Office

  • Avda de Bruselas, 12. 28108, Alcobendas, Madrid.

  • Using this form:
    Request information for shareholders
Work with us
If you wish to join our young and innovative staff, send us your CV.
Bankinter operations or products
To request clarification/assistance of any kind or to notify any problems arising in your transactions as a Bankinter' customer contact:
Customer care information
Confidential Whistleblowing channel
This channel can be used for reporting potential irregularities, breaches or conduct that violate our code of ethics, the law or our internal rules and regulations.
Confidential Whistleblowing channel