Internal corporate regulations
Articles of Association
Name | Link to document |
Article of Association in force | See document See document |
Amendments approved at the AGM held on 23 March 2022(1) | See document See document |
1 Registered in the Madrid Companies Registry on 27 May 2022.
GMS Regulations
The Regulations of the General Meeting of Shareholders(1), that are intended to govern the convening, preparation, information, constitution, running and functioning of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Bankinter S.A. are shown next.
1 Registered in the Madrid Companies Registry on 20 April 2022.
Board Regulations
Regulations(1) of the principles governing the activities and the internal organisational and operational standards of the Board of Directors of Bankinter S.A. and the Board's Committees are shown next.
All Board Committees are regulated by the Board of Directors' Regulations (Articles 37 et seq.) and also, where applicable, by their own Regulations”
Rules and regulations of the remuneration committee
Content Rules and regulations of the remuneration committeeThese rules and regulations aim to support the committee's independent and define its action principles as well as the basic rules for its composition, operations and authority, in accordance with the best corporate governance practices in companies. They are part of the internal corporate governance regulations of Bankinter Group.
The text of the current regulations was approved by Bankinter's Board of Directors, at the Committee's proposal, on 18 May 2022.
Rules and regulations of the Sustainability and Appointment Committee
Content Rules and regulations of the Sustainability and Appointment CommitteeThe purpose of these Regulations is to promote the independence of the Sustainability and Appointment Committee and to determine the principles of action and the basic rules for its composition, operations and authority, in accordance with the best corporate governance practices in companies, forming part of the Bankinter Group's internal corporate governance regulations.
The text of the current regulations was approved by Bankinter's Board of Directors, at the Committee's proposal, on 18 May 2022.
Rules and regulations of the audit committee
Content Rules and regulations of the audit committeeThe purpose of these Regulations is to promote the independence of the Audit Committee and to determine the principles of action and the basic rules for its composition, operations and authority, in accordance with the best corporate governance practices in companies, forming part of the Bankinter Group's internal corporate governance regulations.
The text of the current regulations was approved by Bankinter's Board of Directors, at the Committee's proposal, on 18 May 2022.
Rules & Regulations of the Risk and Compliance Committee
Content Rules & Regulations of the Risk and Compliance CommitteeThe purpose of these Regulations is to promote the independence of the Risk and Compliance Committee and to determine the principles of action and the basic rules for its composition, operations and authority, in accordance with the best corporate governance practices in companies, forming part of the Bankinter Group's internal corporate governance regulations.
The text of the current regulations was approved by Bankinter's Board of Directors, at the Committee's proposal, on 19 June 2024.
Internal Conduct Codes
The actions of Bankinter Group companies are characterised by integrity, caution, professionalism and transparency and by a strong commitment to strictly complying with the applicable positive law regulations in force, as well as all the internal regulations that have been published by any Bankinter Group entity. The aim is to protect the interests of customers, shareholders and the rest of the groups that may be affected by the Group's activities.
Bankinter Group has a Code of Professional Ethics that must be followed by everyone working for Bankinter Group, a Code of Professional Ethics for Agents, a Supplier Code of Conduct and Internal Rules of Conduct for the Securities Market, which must be followed by management personnel and other members of staff whose work is related to activities in the field of securities markets, who may have access to privileged information. All of these constitute essential pillars in the adequate regulation and application of the rules of internal conduct, with the aim of reinforcing corporate culture at all levels.
Please find below the internal Codes in force at Bankinter, S.A.
Name | Link to document |
Bankinter Group Internal Regulations on Conduct in the Securities Market | See document See document |
Bankinter Group Code of Professional Ethics | See document See document |
Corporate governance policy of Bankinter Group
This policy contains the general principles that underpin the specific corporate policies and internal procedure rules regarding corporate governance. Together, these policies and rules form the Group's internal corporate governance framework and are mandatory for all entities that form the Group as well as their respective governing bodies.
Anti-corruption Policy of Bankinter Group
To further demonstrate adherence to the principles governing Bankinter Group, this policy must be construed as an essential tool to disseminate a message strongly rejecting corruption, in addition to dictating rules and action principles needed to prevent and respond to any corrupt practice within the Group's corporate operations.
Policy on Related-Party Transactions Bankinter Group
The purpose of this Policy is to detail the rules to be followed in those transactions that the Company or any of the companies in the Bankinter Group carries out with Related Persons, as defined herein, as well as the entire procedure for authorisation and publicity.
Policy on board member selection and succession
Ensures that director appointment and re-election proposals will be based on a prior analysis of the board's needs.
Policy on incompatible activities and limitations for senior managers and other executives in Bankinter
Contains the regime that applies to the appointment and dismissal of senior managers and other executives in Bankinter, including members of the boards of directors of other companies
Policy on the training of board members of Bankinter
This policy aims to define the required principles and planning for guaranteeing that board members' qualifications are up to date, through training to ensure that they have, at all times, the abilities required to perform their supervisory duties objectively and with independent judgement.
Policy communication & contact with shareholders, investors & proxy advisors
In order to deepen communication with its shareholders and investors, domestic and foreign, as well as proxy advisors and promote transparency in the information that the entity makes public, Bankinter has formalized the following "Policy communication and contact with shareholders, investors and proxy advisors ".
Tax Strategy of Bankinter Group
Contains the purposes, principles and good tax practices that comprise the tax strategy of Bankinter and its group.
Advertisement policy of Bankinter
This advertisement policy contains general action principles that Bankinter must follow when advertising its banking and investment products and services.
Internal control
The Group's internal control mechanisms and procedures for identifying, measuring and managing risks are described in its Pillar III Report, which is updated on a yearly basis and can be found on this website under the Pillar III Report page
Bankinter Group Privacy Policy
The purpose of this policy is to define the general principles governing Bankinter's treatment of the personal data of customers, shareholders and employees, in addition to its internal data protection governance framework.