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Investment philosophy

We are leading a new way to invest

As the regulatory framework has now become more flexible, Bankinter Investment is opening up an investment opportunity with the best experts from the different sectors of the economy that is accessible to everyone. Discover a much broader investment universe, based on real assets, that seeks to offer recurring remuneration, indexed to inflation and with the potential for long-term capital appreciation. A pioneering alternative by Bankinter for diversifying your portfolio.

What is alternative investment?

Although profitability is not guaranteed and there is a risk of losing the invested principal, in a context of inflation, in which our customers' savings lose value, alternative investment could be the perfect investment complement for our customers' portfolios, with a lower correlation with financial markets and economic cycles, and aiming for optimisation of risk-return.

A new asset manager, a new way to invest

We contribute to an adequate diversification and balance of family savings by giving access, for amounts starting from 10,000 euros, to investment opportunities in the real economy selected by the asset management company itself together with its sector expert partners.

A fund with diverse real assets

Bankinter Investment Alternative Investment I, VCF1 aims to diversify its investments in assets in sectors as varied as renewable energy, infrastructure, logistics, student residences, hotels, shopping centres, technology or venture capital.

Same management model

Finding assets with potentially stable and predictable income generation in the long term, selecting specialised partners for each type of investment, rigorously monitoring all investments, and the co-investment of Bankinter Investment S.A.U. and its sector expert partners, which is a clear alignment of interests with the other investors.

We contribute to the development of our society

These investments have high impact, creating value and wealth for society by helping families to save and contributing to job creation and to the economic development of multiple investment sectors.

Our experience is our guarantee

Bankinter Investment is the leading alternative investment platform in Spain. Since 2016, Bankinter Investment has launched 27 alternative investment vehicles with capital commitment from investors of more than 5,000 million euros. Including associated financing, this represents a portfolio of assets under management of more than 8,000 million euros.
The value of investment funds can fall as well as rise, and you may get back less than you invested.