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Financiación estructurada

Structured financing

Believing vs. committing.

We believe in it, but we are also committed to it. We are committed to companies' growth and development, by financing their projects. Because believing is not always enough. 

  • Committing to our economy's strategic sectors.
  • With solutions that meet today's needs, for today.

Financing for our customers, wealth for our country

Structured financing offers the right solutions for the different current investment needs of the different operators driving our economy.
Necesidades financiación
Dramatic black and white portrait of young beautiful girl with freckles in a black turtleneck on white background in studio; Shutterstock ID 529283296; purchase_order: -; job: -; client: -; other: -

Energy and infrastructure

Financing of projects that require long repayment periods.

Projects related to renewable energy, water and waste management, port activities, logistics and transportation, and the health sector and hospitals.

Mortgageable assets

Financing that uses liquid assets as its main collateral. 

The assets that provide the collateral may be built, be being renovated or be being constructed, such as offices, hotels, ships, planes and rolling stock.

Acquisitions and expansion plans

Financing of company, business-unit and asset acquisitions. 

For both financial and industrial investors or family groups, implementing structures that generally include a vehicle company (SPV) whose shares are taken, among others, as financing collateral. 


Financing intended to cover the companies' own operational needs.

The guarantee is limited to the company's own staff, as it is financing with a lower level of leverage. 

Because saying something is one thing and doing something is another

Here is what we have achieved: the amount of financing that we have provided to boost our economy.
Energías e infraestructuras
A lamps's electrical cable draws a pinwheel.; Shutterstock ID 586773548; purchase_order: -; job: -; client: -; other: -
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Energy and infrastructure

Activos hipotecarios
Modern spiral staircase. Contemporary architecture abstract background; Shutterstock ID 1998210287; purchase_order: -; job: -; client: -; other: -
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Mortgage assets

Adquisiciones y planes de expansión
Numbers on red running track. Start and Finish point of a race track in a stadium(Black and white photo); Shutterstock ID 1870199638; purchase_order: -; job: -; client: -; other: -
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Acquisitions and expansion plans

The power of the wind, allegory, abstract naturalism, Black and white photo, farms of human crops in the desert, abstract photography of landscapes of the deserts of Africa from the air, aerial view, ; Shutterstock ID 1413814466; purchase_order: -; job: -; client: -; other: -
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