Bankinter to reward the winning guess of the IBEX35 closing price with a trip to New York

For the second consecutive year, Bankinter has organised a contest on social networks, which will award a trip for two to New York to the participant whose guess is exactly (or at least closest to) the actual closing price of the IBEX35 on 31 December.

Anyone interested in taking part in this free contest simply needs to visit the Bankinter page on Facebook and access Enter Bankinter’s IBEX35 sweepstakes. . There, participants can post their point-based predictions for the IBEX35 closing price up to one decimal point.

Predictions may be submitted until 11.59 pm on 28 December. All participants must have a Facebook account and be of legal age. Furthermore, participants can increase their chances of winning by voluntarily sharing the game for free with friends and family.

Bankinter will announce the winner after the actual IBEX35 closing price and contestants’ predictions have been verified. The contestant with the exact or closest guess about the IBEX35 closing price will be declared the winner. (In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined through a lottery.) The prize for this stock exchange challenge, a trip to New York, is worth up to 2,500 euros.

The first edition of this on-line competition closed out last year with 2,000 participants. With this contest, Bankinter enhances its connection with digital investors and its social network community, one of the largest among Spanish banks. Bankinter is the top bank on Twitter in number of followers, with over 50,000. It also has a large Facebook following, with over 85,000 fans.

Furthermore, Bankinter followers on social networks show a high level of interaction and engagement. An example of this is the bank’s following on ‘El Blog de Bankinter’ (in English, The Bankinter Blog), a financial blog of reference that goes beyond banking, with more than 150,000 visits on average per month and, so far, more than 1.5 million visits in 2016 alone, up 30% in less than a year.

Enter Bankinter’s IBEX35 sweepstakes.