Bankinter's international corporate business reaches €7.8 billion in managed assets

Bankinter closed the month of May by marking a new milestone in the development of its international corporate business, reaching at this date a figure of €7.8 billion in managed assets in the activity. This represents an almost fourfold increase on the €2 billion of total risks that it held in this area in 2014.

These figures include loans and receivables of more than €6 billion, and off-balance-sheet assets (mainly guarantees and letters of credit) that reached €1.8 billion.

A good part of these loans and receivables was allocated to financing the international activity of Spanish companies in regions such as Asia, the Middle East and Latin America. Priority sectors for the Bank to focus its activity included cosmetics, telecommunications, food, energy, commodities and technology.

Revenues from this line of international banking currently represent over 25% of the gross operating income of Bankinter's corporate banking business, compared to 14% in 2014, almost doubling its relative weight in the segment during this period. One in four of Bankinter's corporate customers entrusts its international operations to the Bank.

These all represent record figures for the Bank's activity in a particularly complex period, marked by the COVID-19 crisis, but with prospects for improvement in the coming months.

Over the next few months, Bankinter's international corporate banking will continue to strengthen in certain businesses, such as structured financing with export credit agencies (buyer credit/supplier credit), bank risk hedging with multilateral organisations, as well as specialisation in tailor-made solutions to streamline the working capital of companies using  supply chain finance instruments.

All of this consolidates Bankinter in our country's Trade, Structured Trade and Export Finance activity and as one of the main options for companies looking for a solvent, experienced financial partner to accompany and advise them in their international operations in any country in the world.